Chapter 6 ~

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- Chapter 6 ~ -

-Andy's POV-

I watched as Nova helped Scarlett up and walked her over to the bed holding her hand like she was a child. I laughed watching them act like mother and daughter, "Oh ! I FORGOT MY STARBUCKS ONE SECOND!" I yelled running out of the room to get my drinks I had bought earlier. After I picked up my drinks I made my way toward the room, I stopped and looked down at one of the drinks and saw my drink had something sticking out it. I got confused since the other ones didn't seem to have something at the bottoms of them I picked up the cup and lifted it up to that there was some kinda note stuck to the bottom of it. 

I slowly took the bottom of the note off and unfolded it.

Today was fun babe we should do it again ;) xx - D.S

I was shocked by the note and ripped it up and stuffed it into my pocket. How dare he send me this note! I told him to keep us on the down low and he knew I was gonna give Scarlett or Nova one of these drinks! I heard laughing then I totally forgot that I was at Scarlett's apartment, I slowly pecked my head into the room and saw Nova and Scarlett leaning over Nova's phone laughing at something, Scarlett then picked up her own phone and began taking pictures of herself and Nova.

I was seriously jealous of Scarlett, that's why I wanted to be her friend so bad when we first met eachother, I also thought Nova was pretty but I was always jealous of Scarlett. She was shy at times but could always be herself. She wasn't a fake person. Scarlett never knew about this but me and Dylan had been having a thing for awhile now. It happened a few weeks after her and Dylan's break up. 

Today me and him were having "some fun" in the bathrooms at the back of Starbucks, I blushed at the thought of what we were doing. But of course he said he had to leave, so he pretended to leave the bathrooms first. When it was my turn to leave I went to the counter and picked up my drinks that I had already bought. I opened the Starbucks front door and saw Dylan laying on the ground moaning in pain. I looked around to see who would have done this, then I saw Scarlett's little white beanie off in the distance. 

HOW DARE SHE ! I felt anger go through my veins. I wanted to run up to her and punch her in the face and see how much she likes it to be in pain. My thoughts of hurting Scarlett were interrupted by Dylan's moaning sounds on the ground. I quickly sat down beside him put my drinks down and lifted his head onto my lap. "Shh Dylan it's gonna be okay you'll be fine" After awhile Dylan stopped being a four year old and finally calm downed.

Dylan looked up and saw me and smiled "Thanks babe but won't anyone see us?" I sighed. "I don't care anymore" Dylan looked at me shocked, he stared at me for awhile and then spoke "But what about Scarlett, I mean that whore pretty much killed me, who knows what she might do to you" Dylan sat up into a sitting position and put his hand on my cheek making me blush like crazy "I wouln't want her messing up your perfect face" Dylan sighed then leaned in and pecked me on the lips, He got up and put out a hand so he couldn't pull me up as well.

I smiled at him and kissed him on the check, "Are you sure your okay? you were in quite a lot of pain before" Dylan laughed then pulled me in for a hug, "Thanks babe and i'm fine don't worry" Dylan pulled away and kissed my forehead, I smiled and said I had to go. I always loved Dylan and always will, I don't really get why Scarlett hated him so much I mean he broke up her but it's not a reason to hate a guy so much, Shes just a drama queen. 

Scarlett never told Nova and I what really went down with them, All she said was that he broke up with her and she went to the bar and drank a few drinks and passed out waking up in hospital. But I knew she was laying because she was kinda mumbling when she told us, But I didn't really care Dylan was now mine and I can have him all to myself. Yeah I sound like a total bitch but I could really careless.

"Hey Andy ! Why are you just standing there?" Scarlett laughed looking at me kinda confused. "OH YEAH Just being um yeah okay" I slowly walked over to the bed and smiled at them and took out my phone. After awhile of just small chatting with each other and playing Angry Birds, Scarlett finally told us about everything that happened.

First she talked about her brothers coming over to her house and telling her that her mother was dead but she didn't believe it because the only thing on card was a picture of her mother. Second she talked about how Dylan had kissed her at Starbucks and she kicked him in the crouch and kicked him in the stomach.

"Hold up hold up! Dylan kissed you?!" I looked at Scarlett in shock and she nodded her head slowly, "Yeah he said he missed me and um s-stuff"  She mumbled the last part and looked down on t her lap. "WHAT!" I snapped at her already mad that Dylan had kissed her but she had to and beat him up, Scarlett looked up confused and scared. Nova probably found this really awkward.

She turned to Scar and whispered something to her. Scarlett nodded and said they had to get something and left the room quickly taking there phones with them. If they start talking shit about me I swear to god i'm going to kill both of them, Then again I always talk shit about them.

I sat there playing games and texting random people while Nova and Scarlett were gone. Then I got text from Dylan. I smiled and then remembered he kissed Scar and I felt betrayed. I clicked the message box and read. 

"Thinking about you right now babe <3 xx"

"Oh really are you thinking Scarlett to? because obviously you should be because you kissed her! after we had our 'fun' in the back you go running off to another girl?! WTF WHO DOES THAT? OH WAIT CLEARLY YOU.!"

"No no an baby she kissed me! She probably said that I kissed her because she was scared to admit her feelings for me. There's only you <3"

"Awwh okay <3 I forgive you but I have to go I'll text you later kk?"

"Kk can't wait ;) xx"

"Me either <3 ;) xoxo bye!

At this point I was blushing like crazy and couldn't stop smiling, then guess who walked in. Stupid Scarlett with her blond hair and her perfect skin and her perfect careless self and ugh! I just can't believe she lied about Dylan kissing her. What a little bitch! I thought I was one of her best friends, but clearly not anymore! She'll pay.

"Nova had to catch up on some homework so I guess it's just me and you!" Scarlett sat next to me and asked who I was texting."None of your business now I have to go to" I collected my things and said bye one last time to Scarlett and left her apartment with a confused look on her face, But I didn't care about her anymore. So I went outside and headed for Dylan's flat

I smiled wickedly, I finally had something that perfect little Scarlett didn't have. 


[A/N Yay new updated ~! Hope you guys liked it :') ]

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