3 Reasons Why I'm Single

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1 universe, 8 planets, 192 countries, 180,497 islands, 85 seas, 7 billion people and I'm still single. That's right, you heard me, I am single.

          Because of the influence of social media, some people, especially my family, already prohibit me from dating a boy because most individuals assume that in high school, this is the stage of life where you have crushes that somewhat eventually turn into romance. And honestly, it's quite exasperating to hear them remind me about the same rule every day, mainly when I get home from school. But what they don't know is that they are completely wrong and there are 3 reasons why.

First off, I wouldn't want a person to be murdered. As I have told you, my family doesn't like me hanging around with boys my age, let alone dating them. And this mostly comes down to my father and younger brothers. They are immensely overprotective of me and I don't know if I should either be grateful or not as they turn into loco psychopaths once they see me talking to a male friend of mine. They would either shoot him glares or mutter a side comment under their breaths.

Second, I have a major infatuation with fictional characters, and fictional characters only. People from books and movies such as Fred Weasley from Harry Potter, Edward Cullen from Twilight, Newt from The Maze Runner, Edmund Pevensie from the Chronicles of Narnia, and Five Hargreeves from the Umbrella Academy are only some of my nonexistent crushes. They are the absolute definition of perfect but unfortunately, they are illusory, and therefore, I can't be with them. Because if they were alive, you would be seeing me having about 57 boyfriends in total.

Lastly, I want everything for myself. See here that when you're involved in a romantic relationship, it also requires you to share because that's how it works for both sides. Well, I loathe it, and I don't think I will ever accept that I have to split something that I enjoy. It can be anything you can think of; take the case of time, money, and especially food. Someday, if I ever catch my partner stealing any of my food from me, I will not hesitate to end our relationship because food is my first love and no one is allowed to steal it from me.

Being single is hard but being in a relationship is harder. I may not have anyone that I can call my own, but I have myself, and I am contented with it. I help myself grow and I support myself in any way possible and I'm capable to make myself laugh.

But you know what, I think there is one main reason as to why I'm alone. I'm only single because I'm too sexy for everyone.

[Original Work of Lianne Talan]



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