Night 2: Companions!

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In here, begins another night. Kaliyah says "This again...? I'd rather be locked up than be locked up with these freaks..." The sound of fire comes from the ceiling, the ceiling gets darker and darker as the sound progresses. After a while, the sound of the fire stops. Then the ceiling is being hit by an axe, over and over again. She thinks; "Huh, what's construction doing with fire?" Not even a moment after the thought, the ceiling is broken open, and Pyro enters via a rope. He makes a dramatic entrance saying "What's up, bi- OWCH!" His hand, very clearly slips off the rope, and falls on Kaliyah's hands. He tells her "you're very lucky i'm not the one holding you this wa-" And he gets dropped. Kaliyah asks "Why are you here? You told me on the cops." Pyro responds to this with "To bail you out, and to send you back in...?" in a very sheepish voice... Kaliyah says "Spit it out." Pyro then just says "So you don't die and you can be my future wi-" And gets punched in the balls. There is some running coming from the left door, and Kaliyah has SO late reaction time, it almost got in. Luckily, she close the door on time; Kaliyah then says "Don't distract me and we might be able to live long enough to less likely have one." Pyro then asks "Alright, alright. But could you tell me like, how to help you SURVIVE in here?" Kaliyah points to the Entity Book, and says "Read the first three pages. I simplified it yesterday so I remember." Pyro then reads it; "Scrambloat... throw dart and close door if you hear balloons, Trampler, close door if you hear running, Lurker, flash light at its face and... punch it? Well, I can burn these guys down-" Kaliyah interrupts him, to say "No. I got my skull bashed by one at the end of the night after I punched one." Pyro says "Right..." They hear balloons coming from the left and the right, Pyro says "Well it's a good thing i'm here." Kaliyah opens a drawer to get a dart, and there is only one left... so they decided to play a game of RPS to decide on who gets it. "Rock, Paper, Scissors!" They both said, and Pyro beat Kaliyah (Paper < Rock) and took the dart. They rushed to both hallways, and Pyro quickly threw a dart and closed the door. Kaliyah asks "What do I do here?" Pyro responds, saying "Punch it." Then Kaliyah says "I'm not doing that." Pyro then says to her, as the Scrambloat is getting closer inch by inch; "It's do or die, so, punch it." So Kaliyah made up her mind, and took Pyro's flamethrower. Pyro asks "What are you doing with my flamethro-" To get interrupted by the sound of flame being let out to build up dragon stacks, and then Kaliyah punches the Scrambloat and closes the door IMMEDIATELY. The time is 11:00 PM, and they're already in this situation. The Scrambloat bangs on the door, and then quickly retreats. "This should keep them off for a while, except the other one." Kaliyah says, "What other one, again?" Pyro asked. "You just red three of them, and you forgot already?" She also asks. "Yes." Yes. Pyro opens the book again, and sees that it is a Lurker. Pyro turns his head on the closet, and Kaliyah does too. The two of them see the closet creak, and make up the decision to go to it. They flash the light at the closet, and Kaliyah punches it back. They go away from the closet, and Kaliyah says "Let's just wai-" As of Kaliyah stopping, her head starts aching, but does not say anything, as of her skull being fractured last night, Pyro asks "...Are you okay?" Kaliyah does not respond, but she falls onto the ground, becoming unconscious. Pyro says "Sweet, I can use this." Pyro fends them off for at least 2 hours, before he eventually gets tired of it. Pyro thinks to himself "This is the end." The time is still 1 AM, and they need to survive 5 hours. As tired as he is, a Magmite crawls through the pipes, Pyro reaches for the Entity Book, since he hears sizzling from the pipes, and flips it to page 3; Magmite. "A Magmite is a small blob, of pure magma and a little bit of gelatin, despite being sentient. Don't get fooled by its cuteness, it's vicious and can attack when least expected, its attacks can melt skin, burn the skin, or set it aflame. To avoid it, push into the Air Pumper. Doing it a few times will eventually send it back to the place's roof." Eventually, it gets closer and then Pyro pushes the pumper, and the Magmite goes sizzling away. As it becomes 2 AM, Kaliyah regains consciousness, and the first fucking thing she asks is "Ugh... What did I miss?" Pyro then answers "Well, you misse-" A sentient computer grows from the bedsheets and interrupts Pyro, saying "I'm a computer! I'm a computer-y guy!" Kaliyah shuts Colin, and returns him back to the digital world. Apparently, tuis attracts EVERYBODY. The Lurker starts coming out, the Trampler starts trampling in, the Scrambloat starts scrambling everywhere- THEY ARE ALL AROUND THE PLACE. Pyro starts by shutting the door on the Trampler, and sends off the flamethrower to Kaliyah, which she uses to burn the Scrambloat's balloons and shut the door on it. Pyro starts pumpin' that air, and the Magmite slides away from the pipe. They check up on the lurker, and shine the light on it to reset its position. Kaliyah yells "FUCK YOU, COLIN!" A few hours, and now it is 4 AM. The two agree to go into the cloning machines they have found while exploring, and then they clone themselves. The clones are serving as decoys while the real ones are hiding off. 2 hours later, the alarm clock rings. It's 6 AM! It's time for Day 2...

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