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Their routine starts and the music plays. Taehyung is simply dancing and positioning herself for Alex is going to carry her and stand on one foot in his hand up above his head when she gets out of balance and Alex is quick to catch her and carries her like a bride

She holds him tight on the shoulder makes Alex lean on her. She saw him blush but ignored it. They do it again but it seems like his arms get weakened and make her fall again. This time she asks him

"Are you alright? Do you want to have a break?"

Alex looks away avoiding her gaze blushing

"are you having a fever? You're cheeks are red" she asks oblivious. She didn't know Alex getting flustered that easily

Alex shakes his head saying "no. I'm fine"  The routine got interrupted by them because Alex can keep up from the beat that makes them delay it

Zoe got irritated and walks to them to scold Alex

"What's your problem! We were doing this for a week now but you still can't do it properly. Do I have to change you?!"  She says shouting humiliating him infront of everybody. Even the football team from the other side of the court hears her. They stop playing to look at their side. To see what is happening to the cheering squad

Jimin that saw everything because that time he's on the side bench to drink some water when he saw that Alex can't keep up from carrying his friend

Jungkook stops in the middle to watch what's happening

Taehyung comes close to Alex checking him. She holds his forehead feeling his temperature. Alex has a slight fever but is still trying to attend their rehearsal

"He's having a fever Zoe.. don't get angry at him, he's not feeling well"

Zoe got more pissed when Taehyung told her what to do

"why should I? He's delaying our routine and he's not saying he's not on the condition to do this! He should say it before we even starts!"

Taehyung ignores her and holds his arm pulling him to the bench

"wait here, I have some cool patches.. you should tell us if you're not feeling well alright?"  Taehyung get her bag and get it. She opens it and sticks it on his forehead but Zoe didn't leave them and continue to scold the poor boy

"Because you didn't tell this early you disrupt all of us"

Taehyung had enough and face her

"Can't you leave him? He's not feeling well but still he's trying and you scolding him, blaming him is not helping at all"

"oh wow.. and when you become his lawyer? He should know this. He disrupted the whole team!"

"you know what? Go and do your routine if this bothers you! We will catch up later!"

Jungkook and Jimin watch them talking, they both got worried for her. They know Zoe is popular and she has her own squad, she can bully her if she wants but her friends wouldn't allow it. They both go to her place trying to stop the commotion

"is everything alright here?" Jungkook asks first. Zoe being a flirt and having a crush on him walks fast to tell him who's at fault

"Jungkook, he's having a fever and made us delay our routine!" She pouts and clings on his arms and Jungkook let her

But it's Taehyung he is asking.. he's waiting for his friend to say something but she's busy taking care of Alex ignoring him, Jimin walks to Tae and asks

"Is he going to be fine or does he need to go to the clinic to lay down?"

"I'll be fine.. thank you" he turns to Taehyung and looks down
"I'm sorry I almost didn't catch you when you fall and thank you for taking care of me"  he blushed more but Tae got more worried. She thought his condition got worse

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