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"I hope my son has already informed you about the plan we have in mind for Jungkook"
Mr. Jeon starts after he got settled in the couch. His Mom is sitting beside his grandma holding both of her hands in her lap

They know how she is being married to their prodigal son, maybe if they didn't insist that marriage to them, she will be having a happy life with someone that will truly love and take care of her

Mr and Mrs. Jeon knows they are at fault and now they want to payback on her that's why they want to meet her again with the only grand child they acknowledge

"Yes sir, he said you wanted to see us in your office this coming sunday but he never said that you'll be coming today"

"I've told you, call me papa or Dad. Not sir.. it's like you're cutting all our connections"
The older Jeon kindly corrects his daughter in law

"We thought he would never deliver our message.. that man, I don't trust him even one bit!"

Mr. Jeon clenches his fist in his lap. If only he can disown him, he will do it without hesitation but Mrs. Jeon stops him, she's still hoping her son will have a change of heart

His wife holds his fist that easily makes him calm. They are both in retiring age but still they can see how beautiful and handsome they are in their younger years

"Why are you here lolo, lola?"
Jungkook asked, he is sitting on a single couch but the older Jeon reaches out his hand on him to be seated beside him

"Because we both agreed to give you all our properties. The company, the two houses in the U.S. and the grand villa in Busan"

Jungkook stands up with his doe eyes staring at his lolo. He can't believe what he just heard, he's only 18 and they want him to own a company? The hold he has on his hand tightens

"But, isn't it too much? He is just..."
His Mom protests, she knows they will ask something in returns from all the things they want to give

"He is not 'just' he is our only grandchild and we're so delighted to leave it all to him, to both of you"
Mrs. Jeon cuts her words

"but lola, what do I know about running a company? And what would I do with 2 House? I... We, we have this and this is enough for us"

Mr. Jeon laughs at him, his mother really teaches him well to be content with what they have in life

"You don't have to worry about it.. you will learn everything you need to know once you have transferred to the U.S. you're going to continue your study there"

Jungkook falls back on the couch, his mind can't process all of this at once. He felt his energy run out of him

He looks down and his mind starts to go haywire

"I'm going to America? To study? I'll have a company to run? a house in Busan and... Wait! If I'm going to the U.S. then it means I'll leave all my friends here? How about Taehyung? I will leave her here? No. No. No! I would never leave her! But what about the company? maybe I can study here, yeah, right! I'll study here so I won't have to leave everyone"

He closes his eyes hearing them talking. They were discussing his future

He stands again and stares at his lolo

"I don't want to go to America! I don't want to leave my friends here"

Mr. Jeon gives him a soft smile

"they are still your friends even if you're far from them"

"but, I don't want to... Lolo, lola, Ma? I'm not agreeing to this. I can learn everything you want even though I'm here! Why would I need to go there?! I don't want to go!"

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