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The turnover were done in a few minutes with the previous officers after a lot of teasing between Yoongi and Jungkook. The two best buddies can't get enough joking around till Yoongi said something that made Jungkook blushed hard..

"You'll be just fine with your beautiful vice president Jungkookah!"

Yoongi said before Mrs. Lee pull away the latter and give them a right documents of audits and all to start the turnover

Taehyung didn't understand what he means by that stayed smiling but when she looked at Jungkook she saw his red ears and cheeks

Jin and Namjoon laughed hard throwing playful punches over Jungkook's shoulders

"You think you can get away from us hmm? We missed you a lot our maknae, we will visit you.. we missed auntie and her dishes"

Jungkook nods at him biting his lips resisting to blush more

Yoongi and his officer left so they can take an oath infront of their principal.

Mrs. Trinidad has a small smile on her lips nodding at them while they introduce themselves one after the other. Mrs. Lee is happy that they are complete and in proper uniform. Mrs. Trinidad reminds them of their duty and tells them that her office is open for them to come whenever they need support or advices

Jungkook thanked her and had a handshake while doing some picture opportunities to hang inside the headquarters. They all lined up with their adviser and the principal in the middle of them


"here's a list of projects we need to do in this school year and as you can see., The celebration of Women's month will end soon, last time we did some activities to pamper our teachers and I think we should do it again. The faculty response a good feedback about it. We will celebrate it though we have less time to prepare. I was thinking if we should add some free check up, some free massage just to treat our hard working women and a good foot spa?"

Mrs. Lee says not wasting any minute after upon entering the room. She stands in front holding a piece of paper after reading it and handing it to Jungkook. Taehyung is sitting beside him leaning to his side to read what's on the paper on his hand

Jungkook smiles from the way Taehyung is leaning and holding his arm just to have a look at the paper, he gives it to her to read it properly, Taehyung smiles sheepishly then read it in silence

"Medical mission? But how can we manage to do all of this?"

Mrs. Lee smiles hearing the question from Jinah

"My Aunt is a doctor. A general physician.. she and her team does a medical mission once in a while.. it's free. We just need to provide them food for that day"

"That's great!" The students exclaim

"I had talked to the principal and she agreed.. we have the whole gym for that. Half of it will be used for free massage and other"

"that's so cool!"

"Excuse  me ma'am" Taehyung stand up to say something. Mrs. Lee raises her hand to encourage her to say it

"The food festival is coming too,. I want to suggest if we can start it on the same day?"

"Food festival?"

The other asks, Mrs. Lee smiles wide

"Yeah, about that too.. Mrs. Santos, the  head of the TLE department told me about it and they are planning to do it for one whole week starting next week... As you all know, we need funds for future projects so we should participate"

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