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"what happened yesterday!?"
Yoongi asked, he's with Namjoon and Jin sitting in his living room.. the three of them have been waiting for Jungkook to start telling them what happened but Jungkook seems to be enjoying day dreaming, they have watched him smiling to himself staring at their ceiling while hugging a throw pillow

"Jungkookah! Are you okay!?"
Yoongi said throwing a pillow on his face makes the guy turn his head just to glare at him

"You called us just to watch you smiling all by yourself? Mind sharing it with us so we can all smile like an idiot like you?" 
Namjoon says leaning his back on the couch with his legs up in the coffee table


They hear him say like his going to start talking after a good 20 minutes of smiling but he stops and giggles like a teenage girl that got his crush attention, well for real he is. Jungkook got so relieved that he confessed. Taehyung decided not to change anything between them though he is sure they all disagree about it

"i swear to god Jungkookah! If you're not going to continue what you're about to say I would never teach you how to cook the food Taehyung would definitely like!"

Jungkook whipped his head so fast to look at him till he fell out of the sofa and crawled at the floor to reach him, he kneels infront of him

"You know her favorite food aside from the food I know she likes?"

Jin snobs him looking away

"Give me reasons why I should tell you?" He said sticking out his tongue for him

"please! I want to know! I'll cook it for her for tomorrow's lunch break! Please?!" He begs rubbing both of his hands towards him

"talk to us what happened yesterday after you get her out of the gym!"
Yoongi smacked him on the forehead  using the rolled newspaper he got under the coffee table

Jungkook sits properly on the floor hugging his knees beside the couch, he starts telling them what happened. They never interrupts him even once till he finishes

Yoongi stands going to the kitchen to have some water and looks at what to eat in their fridge then he goes back to where he sits

"You should do something about that Zoe.. you wouldn't like if Taehyung starts believing that girl. I think she's starts to be delusional. She starts spreading fake information about you two and I'm telling you, you should work on it"

"Taehyung won't believe her as long as...."

"As what? Don't underestimate her, what if she influences her, her lies can ruin you too.. though I'm glad Taehyung chose to believe you, I think she's starting to build her trust again. Don't break it"

"yeah I know that, I won't break that trust and I'm so happy, she's starting to open up, I'll make her say what's on her mind because I'll lose my mind if ever she will give me cold shoulders again..."  Jungkook pause and smiles again

"I'm just so happy that she wouldn't avoid me! I really thought I'll lose her once I confess, she's so cute when she's so flustered.. her cheeks, it's like a bread I want to bite"

They all laughs at him

"you're so whipped I want to throw up!" Jin says standing up to make some sandwiches in their kitchen counter

"Now tell me what's her favorite food! And you all come with me to buy the ingredients! I want to prepare it tomorrow!" He whines that make them all laugh

"Wait! I'm just curious.."
Namjoon finally speaks

"You can kiss her now? But you're not dating her.. what label did you two have?"

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