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7:32 AM.

I woke up, I looked down to see I was laying on Ddot's chest. "Oh shit..." I quickly sat up, then grabbed my phone to check the time. "Ayo Ddot, wake up!" I gently shook him, "Huh?..what bro." He groaned, "We gotta get to school, it's already 7:30." I stood up from the bed and stretched. "Leave without me bro...I'm mad tired.", "Get yo fat ass up, stop being a lazy bum." I joked, "See now imma get up cause you just made me mad." He sat up, "Yup, your welcome." I laughed.

"I still don't like you, your mad annoying." Ddot rolled his eyes, "ion give a fuck." I mugged him, "So now you tryna get smart wit me." He smirked, "Yeah, cause you seem not to like me so much for no reason...", "I actually don't like you because..." He paused.

"See you have no reason, your just a dickhead." I chuckled, "Nah that's one reason I don't like you, always calling me something." He rolled his eyes, "Aww, the names hurt your feelings?" I said in a little baby voice, "Stop playin' wit me yo." He laughed. I walked over to his closet and started digging through his hoodie, "Ayo, what are you doing!" He followed me and tried to stop me, "Nah nigga, I did that whole project for you, I'm taking a hoodie." I kept digging through the closet.

"No, your not taking none of my hoodies.", "Stfu, I'm taking A HOODIE." I grabbed a red one, it looked hella nice. "NO BRO, you can take one, BUT NOT THAT ONE." He tried to snatch it from me, I moved my arm, "NAHH, I'm taking this one!" I laughed. I quickly put it on before he could take it.

Then he tackled me down on the bed, "Take it off bruh, those are one of my nice hoodies! You don't deserve to wear it." He shouted, "I'm not listening to you bro, I'm wearing this hoodie and you not taking it." I pointed my finger in his face, "Ugh bro, your making me so mad rn." He got off of me, "Glad I could make you feel that way." I laughed and got up from the bed. "After school, you better give me my fucking hoodie back.", "I like this hoodie, I'd rather not." I shrugged.

"Just grab your bag bro, let's go." He picked up his bookbag and walked out the room. "I usually walk with my friends to school, so they gonna be downstairs. Don't start no shit." He mentioned, "Why you tellin' me this, they asses be startin' wit me, especially that dirty ass girl." I rolled my eyes, "I know Zyara mad annoying, ion like ha ass either but that's Ayden sister so, I can't say nothing." He shrugged, "Shii, I would say something.", "Well don't. Ion got time to here no arguing shit this morning."

"Aww, I hope you boys have a good day at school." His mom smiled and gave us hugs, "Thank you Mami." I smiled back, "I loved having you here, you can come back after school again if you want.", "Yeah I-." Ddot cut me off, "No bruh, you not coming back here." He sighed, "This is my house! If I say he could come back, he can. You two better start getting along cause your gonna see eachother a lot." His mom stood up for me.

"Ion have a problem, it's Ddot." I shrugged, "Why do you have a problem with Dd? He is such a sweet, handsome-.", "MAAA, we gotta go bruh, we'll see you after school.", "Okay, Okay then. I'll see you boys later." She crossed her arms.

"Why you so mean to ya mom. She's so sweet." I chuckled, "Cause she be talking to much, I get tired of ha voice sometimes." He shrugged, "You mad mean bruh.", "And you talk to much.".

We exited the building, and his friends were standing right at the bottom of the stairs. "What took you so long..." Ayden asked then he looked over at me. "Wtf you doing with this nigga." He mugged me, "Yeah and why is he wearing ya hoodie." Zyara annoying ass decided to speak. "We was just working on the project last night, leave him be." Ddot sighed, "Okay and, y'know I love that hoodie and you never let me wear it. So why does he get to wear it." Zyara mugged Ddot.

"Zyara stop acting like you my girl bruh, ion let nobody wear that hoodie. He finished tha' project fa' me so I let him wear it..." He shrugged, "Oh okay...he probably did that for you cause he like you." She rolled her eyes, "When do you ever shut the fuck up fr." I chuckled, "Excuse me?" She tried to act all shocked, "You heard me, you always running ya mouth, like close it.", "Yo stop talking to my sister like that.." That Ayden nigga looked at me.

Don't try to act like we we're always friends. || Dd osama x Sugarhill ddotWhere stories live. Discover now