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8:10 AM

I sat with my head down at the breakfast table. I was still not in the brightest mood, and my lip was still bothering me. I just wanted to go home today, and everybody definitely noticed I wasn't being me today. "Dd, yo ass been depressed since we left tha' house. You good?" Notti nudged my arm, "Nigga, does it look like I'm good? I fr just wanna go home and go ta' sleep." I mean mugged that lil nigga.

"Damn, you on ya period? Or you got man problems?" Notti chuckled, "Stop fuckin' playing wit' me bro. Not today." I bucked at him for making such a gayass comment. "Shut yo ass up." He bucked back at me, "where yo fuckin' girlfriend at anyway?" I questioned him, "I guess she late, where yo man at tho?", "yeah I ain't doing tis' shit." I pushed myself up from the table and started walking away.

"You pussy yo!" He called out before I left the cafeteria, I just ignored him cause lil brothers are annoying asl. But as soon as I left the cafe, the bell rang for first period, which was even more annoying because I couldn't even catch a break.

I started walking over to my locker, thinking about how I should've skipped, but Mami wouldn't stop bugging me. I turned my combination in and swung my locker open, ion even know what I needed for first period but I still needed to come to my locker.

While I was just staring into oblivion, I heard a knock on my locker door. I aggravatedly slammed my locker shut, only to be met with Darrian, the reason why I was so upset anyway. "No, No bro I'm not doing this." I tried to walk away but he so quickly grabbed me tightly and stopped my movement.

"Stop being like that Dd, I wanna apologize why you makin' it so hard?" Darrian shrugged out of confusion as he leaned up against the locker. I just didn't wanna say anything to him, or even acknowledge him. So I continued to walk away again.

"Dd! Stop being like 'dis bro." He followed me and stopped in front of me to block my path. I just tried to ignore him again and walk around him, but he just kept walking in my path. "Let me talk yo, I'm serious." His tone became harsh. "What nigga? What could you possibly want bro?" I started to get very mad and mugged him.

"Calm yo ass down, why can't I jus talk to ya?"
He started backing me up against the locker, and the hallways became emptier and emptier. "We not cool bro, you busted ma' lip." I just simply shrugged. "I'm tryna apologize...so we could be cool again. But you ain't listening.", "you expect me to jus except ya sorry ass apology and get over it?", "No, but I'm jus sayin' you won't hear me out." Darrian sighed.

"I was already mad at you yesterday, shit ain't change." I shrugged again, "How can I fix that? Ion want you to ignore me." He started to crack a smile, "You not gon fix it because ion want you to, now just leave me alone bro." I continued to mug him. "But I wanna fix it, like can we talk it out? Or just fuck it out?" He joked...or so I thought he did .

I chuckled a little and broke out into a smile, "What nigga?..." I said confusedly through my laughs, "You heard me, stop tryna hide that smile." He was looking down on me and we were making direct eye contact. We were so face to face, almost looked like we was about to kiss or some shit.

"I'm not falling fa' ya shit bruh. You makin' me late, fuck off." I chuckled in his face, and slightly pushed him. "You miss me and y'know you do, stop actin' hard." He sighed and rolled his eyes, "You not gettin' me back this easily ma' nigga...now take yo ass ta' class." I rolled my eyes back and started to walk away.

"Ight, just wait!" Darrian called out, "Whateva..." I scoffed and walked into my class. Okay maybe I wasn't mad at him like that anymore, but I'm not gonna give him the satisfaction of thinking he won me over so quickly. Because what if he tries to take advantage? Like he tries to hurt me again but he wouldn't care because I'll forgive him anyway.

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