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12:39 PM

Everybody was knocked out, today was a school day but it seems like they didn't care because nobody even woke up. Darrian was still sleeping in the bed, Dd and Noorie were still slumped on the couch, and Notti was still hiding in his room with the door locked.

All of a sudden, a phone call woke Darrian out his sleep. His mom had started calling, "Oh shii'." Darrian had his eyebrows furred as he answered the call, cause it was mad bright throughout the whole house. "What Ma'." He groaned, "I just got a call from your school, why are you not there?" Mom questioned.

Darrian quickly mean mugged the phone, "I'm jus at Dd house, relax ma'. We over slept.", "Well okay I don't wanna bother you-.", "You already are bruh.", "okay Darrian! Well I love youuu, I just wanted to make sure you were alright.", "ight Ma'...bye." He hung up the call and put his phone back on the night stand.

He looked over to his left and noticed Dd wasn't next to him no more, had he woken up already? Darrian threw the covers off him then stood up. It was mad hot cause Darrian had fallen asleep with some jeans on, and the sun was shining mad hard through to windows.

He walked into the kitchen where he could see Dd and Noorie sleep on the couch. "Oh, so he left me last night." Darrian chuckled to himself, He then opened the fridge and started looking for something to eat. I guess Dd wasn't in a deep sleep because the sound of the fridge door creaking open woke him up.

"Darrian?..." his raspy voice came out of no where, Ddot then moved the fridge door out of his way so he could see David, "Good morning yo, you left me lonely last night.", "I ain't leave you." David smacked his teeth, "These two just came in hea' willin' last night." He continued to say.

"It's ight, but I'm hungry asl tho." Darrian shrugged, "You always hungry." Dd giggled as he got up from the couch and started walking over to Darrian. He hugged him and leaned his head on his shoulder. Ddot wrapped his arms around Dd and gave him a warm hug back.

"Are you hungry tho?" Darrian asked, "Yeah...can you order something again?" Dd answered, "ight, I'll do it now." Ddot pulled out his phone. "Okay, imma go to the bathroom real quick." Dd pulled away from their hug and started walking down the hallway. Before he went into the bathroom, he thought about his lil brother and decided to go to his room.

Dd walked up to the door and tried to open it, but of course it was still locked and didn't budge. Dd really didn't wanna wait for Notti slow ass to open the door, cause he probably never would've. So He just made a solution to use something sharp to unlock the door.

Which was his finger nail since it was long enough, and he was to lazy to get a fork or sum shit. The door unlocked and Dd quietly crept in the room. "Yo get the fuck out ma' room." Notti's raspy voice came from under the covers. "Notti what the fuck wrong with you. Stop actin' like a lil bitch." David chuckled.

He then sat on the edge of his bed but leaned up against the head board. "Just get out bruh.", "Ethan I'm not playin', what's wrong witchu'.", Notti then slightly took the covers off his head, you could only see his eyes and his nose. "It's nothin'...even if I told ya, you gon' think I'm dramatic, or a bitch." Notti huffed, "No I'm not bruh." Dd rolled his eyes.

"So what happened?", Notti was hesitant to answer but he knew he couldn't keep it in for that long. He threw the covers off him and sat up against the head board. "I was being a lil dramatic last night but when I was at the party..." Ethan kept fidgeting with his fingers, nervous because he didn't know if he wanted to even talk about it.

"MJ kissed me-.", DD's eyes immediately widen, cause wtf? "See this why I didn't wanna tell yo ass." Notti sighed and crossed his arms, then he grabbed the covers almost like he was gonna hide in them again. "He kissed you?...like already?", "Fuck you mean, already?" Notti mugged the other. "Y'all like just started talkin' yesterday bro." Dd made a confused face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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