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7:49 PM .

I stared blankly at the red hoodie laying down on my gaming chair. A tear rolled across my nose, falling into my other eye. I was still fucking angry from last night, my lip was fuckin' busted and it hurt like hell. How could he do this to me? I know we weren't even friends, or even that close, but how could he fuckin' hit me like this?

I just had a whole bunch of mixed emotions, I was angry, confused, and just upset. He hurt me, and he hurt my feelings. I sound like a pussy just thinking like this but ion give a fuck, it's just my feelings.

I didn't want that stupid ass red hoodie in my sight anymore, so I was gonna go give that dumb shit back. I lifted myself off the bed and walk over to my closet, grabbing my black, north face puffer jacket and tossing it on. Then grabbed the hoodie, leaving my room.

"Where yo ass goin'?" Notti asked me while his arms where wrapped around Noorie laying on the couch. "I'm giving Darrian this shit back, ion wanna see this shit." I sighed, "You goin' back to see that Nigga? You sure you wanna slide alone?", "Yeah...I'm ight.". "Aww Dd you was cryin'." Noorie pouted and then she got up to hug me.

"You should let us come with you!" She continued to say while rubbing my back. Noorie was so affectionate but she was making me feel like a lil bitch right now, "Nah I'm good y'all, relax." I kinda nudged her away. "Nuh-Uh, we comin' wit yo ass! Cant risk Darrian tryna bust yo lip a 2nd time.", "No bruh! You not fuckin' comin' with me, let me handle this shit on my own!" I snapped.

"Ight I'll let you be then, but if you need us! Y'know what to do." She shrugged and sat back down on the couch, "Right, call us if you need to whoop some ass." Notti laughed, "Alright." I sighed and walked out the house. Ddot's house was like a 9 minute walk so I would be there pretty quickly.

The cold air kept blowing against my lip and it hurt so fuckin' bad. I walked with my head down so it wouldn't blow in my face as much, it kinda worked. I sped walked so I wouldn't waste any time, and I was there before I even noticed.

I walked up the porch steps and rang the door bell, I held it for a while so I could make sure they would hear it. It took like a minute for the door to open, but when it did, I was met with Darrian face to face. "Dd?" He made a confused face, "I'm just hea' to give you ya shit back." I held out the hoodie waiting for him to take the shit.

"Nah, it's yours bro. About last night—." I cut his lightskin ass off before he could finish, "Nah nigga ion want it, yo bitch ass could keep it." I threw it at him, it hit his chest and he quickly caught it, "And ion wanna fuckin' talk about last night, what happened, happened." I mugged him.

"Dd I just want you too know that I apologize, I wasn't planning on hittin' you." He tried to act all sorry, "Ion wanna hear that shit bro, you busted my lip open for no reason! I'm out this bitch anyways." I then sighed and tried to walk down the stairs, "No nigga— hear me out." He tightly grabbed my arm which stopped my movement.

"Get the fuck off me." I snatched my arm back, "You deadass ruined my outfit that was like $1,600...but I fr don't even care about that anymore. I just wanna fix the lil bit I got left with you." He said in a genuine tone. My mood soften, I was thinking about what if I just folded, and excepted his apology.

But nah, fuck that! I'm not gon fold like a pussy lil bitch just because he wanna be all lovey dovey. "You shoulda never fuckin' ruined it in the first place! A sorry ass apology just ain't gon fix this." I sighed and squinted my right eye, walking down the stairs and leaving.

"Dd get yo ass back hea'! We could actually talk about this shit!" I heard him yell out, I just stuck up my middle finger at him. Because there wasn't anything to talk about! He busted my lip OPEN, and fought me for such an unreasonable reason. Darrian was gonna have to give me something way bigger than a sorry...

But seriously, he has to give me something genuine. Other than that I don't wanna speak to the nigga. He never even liked me in the first place, and I ain't like him either. But after we hung out with each other that day, I actually started liking him because he was chill.

But I guess I was just wrong and he was still a fucking dickhead. I should just forget about the whole thing because we didn't even know each other like that, and we weren't even friends like that, I spent the night at his house once and we just joked around.

But he was so cute, and his jokes were so funny, and that hoodie was so soft and it smelt just like him. Maybe I can't just fucking forget it! Maybe I'm just too mad, and should forgive him because he seemed so sorry. But the other half of me thinks I'm mad for a good reason, and that I should never talk to that Nigga again. I don't even know how to feel, I just got mixed emotions right now. I need a bitch or something, so she could suck my dick or something 😒.

Okay maybe I was a dick head for punching him and busting his lip open. But Dd was doing entirely way too much, he could've just forgave me already...why am I so desperate anyway? It's not like I want him or something...or did I? I mean...he was cute, with his bouncy, curly hair and his funny humor. But he still wasn't my friend, we still had our differences. I gave him one of my favorite expensive hoodies tho, but it's only because he finished the project for me, and he wanted it.

I just have mixed emotions, ion even know. Maybe I could just give it some time, and he'll come around himself. But what if he never comes around? And we never talk again? Nah, see this is why I gotta take stuff into my own hands. We got school tomorrow, so maybe I'll just talk to him there, then my fuckin' doorbell rang again.

Ma has house keys and I ain't expecting nobody, these people just find a way to fuckin' bother me. I had never went upstairs anyway tho, I stood up from the steps and slowly walked to the door, and then I swung it open. "What y'all asses doing here?" I looked at Ayden and Zyara with a confused look. They were waiting at the door with book bags on.

"So now we can't come ova' no more?" Zyara mugged me, "Nah...I just wasn't expecting y'all." I shrugged, "But wassup anyways." I reached my hand out to dap Ayden up. "Wassup bro, da parents was being mad annoying so we had to dip." He dapped me up back, "ight cmon' then." I gestured them upstairs.

"Was you jus sitting on the stairs tho?" Zyara asked, "Yeah, I was jus chilling." I shrugged, "Why?", "Cus I was bro, don't question me." I rolled my eyes, "Sassy ass." She rolled her eyes back. We walked back up to my door and entered my apartment, "Where Ma dukes at?" Ayden asked, "She workin' n' shit, not getting home till 11 I think." I answered but shrugged.

"But was y'all planning to spend the night?" I continued to ask, "Ya nigga, only if it's good wit' you.", "Duh bro it's always ight with me, except if I got my bitches over." I laughed, "I guess that'll never happen." Ayden joked back and started walking towards my room, "Stop playin' with me bro, y'know I get bitches.", "Last bitch you had was Shamiya...and she was a bird.", "She wasn't my last bitch!", "She was your last bitch...now you got a nigga bro.", "Who bro." I mugged him, "Dd." He chuckled.

"You know it ain't like that." I smiled while embarrassingly looking away, "Right. Forgot yo ass beat him up last night!", my smile quickly wiped away, "you ain't even have to say allat bro.". Anyways, we walked into my room and they threw their bags down on the floor, "Imma hop onna game, ight?" Ayden said as he picked up my gaming controller, and sat on my gaming chair. "Mhm, I was jus gon lay down anyways." I nodded my head.

I wasn't really in the mood to hang out right now or even have them spend the night. But I know how they parents are, so it wouldn't hurt to let them get a break. Zyara was just looking around my room, and touching things. She noticed the red hoodie I threw on my chair, "Oh? I guess Dd gave it back." She continued to pick it up.

"Yeah...niggas was mad at me and wanted to be extra." I heavily sighed, "since he don't want it, can I have it?", "Oh please bruh, you not gettin' that hoodie." I immediately mugged her. "But you'd let that otha' nigga have it?" She mugged me back, "why you want it huh? So you could botha' Dd about it?", "No! I've been wanting this shit since yo ass got it!", "But you stopped asking fo' like a month. Now all of a sudden you want it?", "Fuckin' nevermind Darrian." She aggressively rolled her eyes and threw the hoodie down.

Whatever, ion care if she mad, I'm just tryna relax anyways. Dd is just on my mind, can't wait to catch him at school tomorrow.



I know it wasn't a lot of action but it's coming soon 😓


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