Picking a wife part 2

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Alfred went through them all that night. He made a list of all who wanted to considered and all who didn't. It was about half and half of each to his surprise.

He pinned who didn't want to be considered to his wall. Then he started looking at the girl who wanted to be considered and there reasons. From there he narrowed it down to 50 based on personality and how there relations were. It took him all night but he did it.

He finally crashed around 7 in the morning. A knock on his door woke him up. He stumbled out of bed and answered it. It was the rest of the G8. "Alfred, are you okay? You didn't show up to the meeting at all.", England said noting his tired state.

"I'm ah fine. I just had a late night going through the folders from yesterday. I narrowed it down to 50.", he said sleepily. The women began to mutter about his bosses demand. "I'll be contacting each woman later about going on a date or why I said no. But now I want to sleep.", he told them and nearly fell over.

"Alright, get some rest and nice to those girls when you contact them, please.", England and the ladies shuffled away. Alfred closed the door and went back to sleep for another couple of hours.

When he woke he immediately set to contacting each woman over phone and setting up a date or telling why he picked no. Some women were upset about getting a no but ultimately understood his reasoning. At the end of the night he had 50 dates lined up spanning over the next 5 months.

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