Boboiboy's hatred towards UA

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Aka : This will be the thing I hate the most 💢

Aka : because This is a part and I'm too lazy to do the full part so you understand if there's a part you have to wait

Aka : Sorry...getting carried away by any emotion

Aka : Well let's just start without wasting time and without talking much!

Boboiboy started to get used to living there after a week, Boboiboy always helps Inko in basic matters, for example, buying things, cooking, washing dishes, tidying the living room and usual things

Boboiboy also started learning about his elementals and also his fusion, Boboiboy started getting stronger and if you all want to know Boboiboy is training in the forest ;D

Two weeks later...

Boboiboy : Hi izuku how was your day?

Izuku : As usual, hey Boboiboy, are you interested in going to be a student at UA?

Boboiboy : *surprised* w-why ask?

Izuku : You're a hero in your dimension so why not be an official hero in my dimension?

Boboiboy : *sigh* To be honest in my Dimension, we can be a hero as we like without the need for rules and without the need to be official

Boboiboy : But because your world is full of power or its name is quirk so it's annoying to be a hero because it has to be official if it's not considered a vigilante

Izuku : what?

Boboiboy : I will try to follow first later I will think about this matter...

Izuku : It's good that you get ready Next week  and we will continue to meet Principal Ua

Boboiboy : *freeze*

Boboiboy : *comes closer to izuku*

Boboiboy : izuku...What are your plans...

Izuku : huh!? W-what y-your mean!? *Panic*

Boboiboy : You said so suddenly, I'm a little suspicious

Izuku : *sigh* Sorry...but if you become a hero, UA can observe your potential and protect you from all for one


Boboiboy : You will not understand what I went through! Why should a foreigner interfere with my power!

Boboiboy : *Hold your head and shake your head* I hate this, you know, I only trouble others when I come here until now 💢

Izuku : but they are all responsible and they also need help from you Boboiboy...*realizes if he makes a mistake*

Boboiboy : Is this because of my power....

Izuku : It's not like that... you came from another dimension all of a sudden, some UA parties don't believe and some are planning something bad if you join UA

Izuku : Everyone who believes in you can help you, listen here Boboiboy...out there there are many greedy villians who will quirk as a UA student I also have responsibilities

Boboiboy : Only this time Izuku...

Izuku : *glup*

Boboiboy : *Smile a little* sorry if I get emotional, lately I've been a bit stressed about my power...

Izuku : huh? Boboiboy *Take Boboiboy's Dino hat and rub Boboiboy's head*

Izuku : If there's a problem, share it with me, maybe I can help even though I look weak but I'm good at quirk or power analysis *puts Dino hat to Boboiboy head*

Boboiboy : i-izuku.....*cried*

Boboiboy : i - i really need help!

Boboiboy : I Fighting my enemy, and he was defeated, I fell from the lake and froze when you found me*hug izuku*


Boboiboy : My father will worry about me...*cries*

Meanwhile on the Boboiboy dimension side

Aka : This will have Malaysian language so

Aka : The () sign is a translate

Ochobot : Korang aku jumpa sesuatu! ( I found something!)

Yaya+Ying+gopal dan fang : kau jumpa apa?
( What did you find?)

Ochobot : aku akhirnya berjaya mengesan lokasi Boboiboy!
(I finally managed to locate Boboiboy!)

Gopal : Ha!? Dimana!? *Terkejut dan mula bahagia*
(Huh!? Where!? *Surprised and started to be happy*)

Ochobot : B-boboiboy berada di dimensi lain , dimensi 190,700,819
( B-boboiboy is in another dimension, dimension 190,700,819)

Fang : Ha!? kau biar betul ochobot jadi hal dimensi nih pernah wujud!?
( Huh!? You really let ochobot so this dimension thing ever existed!?
*Shocked* )

Ochobot : kau pikir? , Aku mulanya tak percaya lepas aku cari tahu aku mula percaya sebab ada power spera yang ada kuasa dimensi
( you think? , I didn't believe it at first, after I found out I started to believe it because there is a power spera that has dimensional power)

Yaya : kejap....jadi kita boleh selamatkan power spera yang ada kuasa dimensi dan minta bantuan dia untuk cari Boboiboy macam tuh?
( wait.... so we can save the power spera that has dimensional power and ask him for help to find Boboiboy like that)

Gopal : kalau macam tuh....apa nama power spera tuh?
( if that's the case....what's the name of the power spera? )

Ochobot : dimension-bot , kuasanya ialah megira dan membuka portal ke Dimensi lain untuk pengetahuan Korang dimension-bot nih ialah generasi ke dua
( dimension-bot, its power is to manipulate and open portals to other dimensions for your knowledge dimension-bot is the second generation)

Ying : apa kita tunggu lagi, jom lah!
( what are we waiting for, let's go!)

Fang  : tunggu dulu Ying, kita kena analisis semuanya , nanti kalau dimension-bot tuh takut dan campak kau kat dimensi lain. Macam mana?
(wait first Ying, we have to analyze everything, later if the dimension-bot gets scared and throws you into another dimension. How)

Yaya : betul tuh kata fang, lagi pula kita kena minta izin kat komender
( It's true what Fang said, after all we have to ask permission from the commander)

Back to Boboiboy's side

Boboiboy : *sigh*

Boboiboy : Is this a good decision izuku? *Looks at UA*

Izuku : There's only one way to know *raises Boboiboy's hand*

Aka : I'm tired....ugh, my brain is loading and I'm worried about my Malaysian language if there's something wrong, if there is, please let me know :o

Aka : Well I'll go first, there's a little matter bye everyone!

New chapter : 5/12/2022

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