new world?

479 17 2

Aka : this chapter not a Festival instead we will see Boboiboy's friends so it is possible that this story will focus more on his friends

Dimensi-bot : so this is your commenter?
_jadi ini komender mu? _

Fang : Yes... Introducing Komender, this is Dimensi-bot...

_Ya... Perkenalkan Komender, ini Dimensi-bot_

Commander Koko Ci: I still can't believe that you all managed to save the Dimensi-bot *still looking at the Dimensi-bot with a face of disbelief*

_ Aku masih tidak percaya kalian semua berhasil menyelamatkan dimensi-bot  *masih menatap dimensi-bot dengan wajah tak percaya_

Commander Koko Ci: We wanted to get the dimensions-bot only took 15 years and still didn't work...but you guys only needed two days , beyond my understanding....

_ Kami ingin mendapatkan dimensi-bot hanya membutuhkan waktu 15 tahun dan masih tidak mendapatkan nya ... tetapi kalian hanya membutuhkan dua hari, di luar pemahaman saya...._

Boboiboy friends : hehehe...

Dimensi-bot : I heard that Boboiboy has entered another dimension...

_Saya mendengar bahwa Boboiboy telah memasuki dimensi lain..._

Commander koko ci: yes...that's right.... Boboiboy, after just fighting his strongest enemy, he fell from the dam, but as soon as he entered the mystery portal 

_ya...benar.... Boboiboy, setelah baru saja melawan musuh terkuatnya, dia jatuh dari Empang, tetapi  dia memasuki portal misteri _

Dimension-bot : it's possible that it was summoned from another dimension

_mungkin saja itu dipanggil dari dimensi lain _

Commander koko ci: ha? Summoned from another dimension…is another dimension different??

_ Ha? Dipanggil dari dimensi lain…apakah dimensi lain berbeda??_

Yaya : actuall-

_ sebena-_

Dimensi-bot:'s different starting from, friendship and others are also power

_ya...berbeda mulai dari takdir...emosi...sikap...keluarga,persahabatan dan lain-lain juga power_

Dimensi-bot : The dimension that Boboiboy enters is a special dimension that allows humans to have power, maybe it's just that humans in other dimensions accidentally summon  him or on purpose for some reason

_Dimensi yang dimasuki Boboiboy adalah dimensi khusus yang memungkinkan manusia memiliki kekuatan, mungkin hanya saja manusia di dimensi lain tidak sengaja memanggilnya atau sengaja karena suatu alasan_

Commander koko ci: may I know... something?

_bolehkah saya tahu... sesuatu? _

Dimensi-bot : Just ask but don't ask about my personality

_Tanya saja tapi jangan tanya tentang kepribadian saya _

Commander koko ci : of my question you think we still have hope to save Boboiboy?

_tentu saja... jadi pertanyaan saya adalah... apakah menurut Anda kami masih memiliki harapan untuk menyelamatkan Boboiboy?_

Dimension-bot :'re all out of time...*speaks slowly and looks down*

_sebenarnya...kalian kehabisan waktu...*berbicara perlahan dan melihat ke bawah* _

All except bot-dimensional : *still listening and surprised*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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