The Revelation

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When Nick woke up, Selene was curled into his chest and his arms were around her. The feelings he experienced from waking this way were new to him and he reveled in them. He sighed happily and pressed his face into Selene's thick hair. This was absolutely the best way to wake up, and he wished it would be this way every morning. With a contented sigh, he allowed himself to pretend that it would be.

As much as he was growing to want it to be something different, Selene only saw him as a friend. She'd said so herself, last night. Besides, she was young and she had a whole life ahead of her. He didn't know what her dreams or goals were, what she wanted for herself, or where she wanted to be. He couldn't hold her back from wherever her future may lie; it wouldn't be fair to either of them. Happiness could not exist if one party is miserable, and Nick could never do that to another person. It was just cruel.

Nick's hand unconsciously rubbed up and down her back slowly, accidentally causing her shirt to ride up. When his fingers brushed over her bare skin, Selene arched into him and released a soft moan. Nick bit into his lip and did it again. She responded much the same way, though this times her hips shifted and rubbed against him. A groan slipped from him as his pants again began to feel too tight. He pressed himself into her, onlly to be rewarded with her rubbing against him again. This time, she made a whimpering noise that nearly drove him off th edge.

"Oh, Selene, how I'd love to tie you up and fuck you until you forget your own name. You'd be ruined for any other man, too," he whispered low.

If she heard him, she gave no indication of it. Nick closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He shouldn't be thinking about this. All he was going to do was frustrate himself. Though, from the discomfort in his groin, he knew he would have to seek his release soon. Nick wasn't ready to let Selene go just yet and break the peacefullness of the morning. When she woke up, he would get up and deal with his issue.

About 20 minutes later, Selene began to stir. She arched her back, pressing against him before her eyes opened quickly as she realized there was someone next to her. Her eyes met Nick's, then she began to glance around. After a moment, she relaxed as she realized where she was and with whom.

"Good morning," Nick whispered with a smile, kissing her on the nose.

"How long have you been awake," she asked sleepily.

"Not long," he assured her. "You sleep ok?"

Selene smiled slightly and nodded, snuggling her head back into his chest. "Yeah. Really good, actually." She blinked a couple times and pulled her head back, only now aware his chest was bare. "Oh."

"Oh," Nick inquired with a raised brow.

"I.. I wasn't expecting skin," Selene stammered. "It took me a second."

Nick laughed, tightening his arms around her and spreading his fingers out across her back. "I can't sleep with a shirt on. I get too hot."

"It's ok," Selene said, an almost shy tone in her voice. "I was just surprised."

Nick hummed, bending his head down to nip her exposed ear. "I was a complete gentleman otherwise," he teased. "Though, I'll admit I was thinking about some less than gentlemanly ways to wake you up."

Selene's eyes widened in surprise before she frowned and smacked his chest. "Don't tease me like that. It's not fair."

Nick's brows rose. "What makes you think I'm teasing?"

Her eyes snapped back up to him as her breath caught in her throat. The surprise on her face seemed to be what had also caused her to freeze. Nick watched her lips part as if she were going to say something, but nothing came out.

✔️ The Arrangement (A Kinky Romance) [1st Draft]Where stories live. Discover now