06 || puppy love

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puppy love
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
chapter six

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after a long afternoon, the group went out to eat with late lunch reservations which practically felt like dinner. valeri was set to go back to LA on the 15th with sabrina, while the triplets go back on the 17th and nathan meeting them there according to their new plan on the 23rd with his family and the others. they had a little over a week left in boston. 

the following morning, valeri had made plans with nick to just hang out together uninterrupted, as he claimed. she went over to dunkin and got him a bagel with cream cheese on the side and a coffee as well as donuts for the others in the house with breakfast for herself. as she rang the doorbell, matt opened up.

"hi valiii," he cheered up. he looked tired, but the smile that appeared on his face was genuine. she greeted him back as he let her into the kitchen. it was only 11 but compared to their usual sleeping schedule, this was early. 

"sorry, i know it's early but i brought you guys some stuff," she smiled. matt instantly woke up seeing the dunkin box of donuts for him, chris, justin and their parents. "i hope you guys liked donuts, i didn't know if you would-"

"dude, this is awesome thank you," he cut her off gratefully. "the point is, i don't have to spend money on breakfast nor 'make it,'" he said in airquotes, jokingly. valeri smiled as he left the room to brush his teeth while she arranged the donuts on the plate he gave her.

"it's intense," chris said behind her. 

"jesus chris," she put her hand to her chest. "good morning to you too i guess," she laughed. "what's intense?"

"good morning," he responded. "the tension," he paused. "between me and winter beaches," he took the donut at the top of the pile and grinned as she rolled her eyes. 

"oh please, last place i want to be is anywhere cold. i'll be going straight to nick's room," she said grabbing his bagel. 

"no self control, you know it's sad," he said before his attempt to leave. thinking fast, valeri balled up an extra bag they gave her and threw it at his head where all you could hear was his small chuckles.

she ventured upstairs to find nick in his bed editing some photos from the day before. "as requested, one coffee and a bagel," she placed it on his nightstand and he thanked her. she took a sip of her own drink before placing it beside his and joining him on the bed. "wait this one is cute send it to me," she pointed. 

"let's play a game of is it cute or do you just think my brother's cute?" he smirked. 

"nick shut up, i told you that in confidence and in immunity," between them, immunity meant no ridiculing nor teasing in regards of what the other person said. it was also a sign not to spread whatever was said. 

"and i'm telling you this just because i think it's funny. you must think i'm attractive because i look like him," he laughed. 

"oh brother, get a load of yourself or whatever you guys say. i mean I like him but you knowww, I don't really want to be dating a version of you," she scoffed. nick pretended to be offended and "banished her" off of his bed. she sat in the corner of the room and they both bursted out in fits of laughter. 


after chatting about everything and anything and watching a few shows, they decided they needed a snack refill. "vali, because i'm not over that comment of yours, you can get us snacks while i watch without you," he smiled sweetly and sarcastically. 

"i'll get the snacks but i swear you better not click play," she giggled. she left the room with the bowls and planned on going into the kitchen. 

"so..." chris said with a sly look on his face. 

"what did you do?" valeri asked. 

"why do you assume i did something?" 

"because you have that stupid look on your face," she said looking over. "all i'm saying is that that look means something stupid, bad or both," she answered. 

chris came further into the kitchen ignoring her about his face and decided to continue as if he wasn't completely called out. "no i just want you to know that we're going to the beach tomorrow," he got a pepsi out the fridge as he spoke. 

"what, since when?" she asked. 

"oh, you're not denying it? perfect. i'll pick you up at 4,"

"i never agreed to this,"

"well talking with my brother about liking me has to be good right?" he smirked again. valeri stayed silent but had a smile on her face, trying not to laugh at how she exposed herself. "so the beach tomorrow?" he asked again. 

"if i must," she fake sighed, pouring some chips into the bowl. they rushed upstairs as their conversation ended both going in opposite directions. one into nick's room and the other into matt's as they began telling the other about their success. 


filler chapter hit hard tbh

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