Chapter 4

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          Kokichi's alarm went off and after snoozing it once or twice and rushing to get ready, he found himself in front of his mirror struggling to get his hair just right when the bell rung. Kokichi rushed to the door where Kaito stood, tired but well-dressed. "You look beautiful, my love." He said, half joking as he took Kokichi's hand and kissed it.

          Kokichi rolled his eyes, stepping back from the door. "I'm just trying to fix my hair. We can leave in a minute."

          "Whaat? Come on, I'm leaving the house with bedhead, why don't you?"

          "What? You are? Couldn't tell." Kokichi said with a smile as Kaito frowned. "If you insist. Let's go." He said, walking out of the apartment.

          They began down the stairs, collectively deciding that they'd rather not burden the other residents with blood and flowers in the elevators. "So," Kaito started as they made it down a floor, "how've you been feeling?"

          "About the throwing up and unrequited love shit? Pretty fucked up." Kokichi muttered.

          "Ah, not that." Kaito said. "I mean the killing game."

          "Oh." Kokichi said prior to silence.

          Kaito took a deep breath. "It's just that... it's been a traumatizing thing for all of us. After you told me you weren't taking your antidepressants I... well, I'm a bit worried. Did you even go to the therapy sessions they provided us?"

          Kokichi shook his head. "Why would I bother to talk to some random person about feelings?" Kokichi said, rolling his eyes. "I'm fine, really. The game was fun- if anything, it's a pretty good memory for me. You don't normally go to see a therapist when your life's going well, right?"

          Kaito looked at him, not believing anything he said. "Look, I know it's, like, reflexive that you lie or whatever but I'm seriously worried about you, man. Especially considering your outbursts and everything right now... this isn't normal."

          "We starred in a television series that took away our memories, made us listen to a stuffed bear and kill all our friends. Is any of that normal?" He said, pushing open the door to the ground floor.

          "Course not. You're a leader with no army and I'm an astronaut that's never been to space." He said with tight lips.

          Kokichi looked up at him as he opened the door for them to leave. He tried for a smile. "Well, you've still got a chance. We're still young. You've got plenty of time."

          "Wow, you're not gonna tell me to give up on my dreams and die?" He said with a smile.

          Kokichi stopped as the door shut behind them, looking up at the dark sky. "I should've never watched AOT with you." He joked.

          Kaito followed his gaze. He took a deep breath of cold air, gasping as Kokichi took his hand. He laughed sweetly, snuggling close as they walked across the parking lot and to the sidewalk. They walked down it towards a crosswalk. "It's a nice night." Kokichi said, taking a breath.

          He was surprised as the nauseating feeling in his throat vanished after just a breath. He exhaled through his mouth, relieved. Kaito, despite the cold weather, felt warm. "Yeah... it is."

          The light changed and Kokichi held Kaito's hand tighter as he put it into his pocket to stay warm. The walk to the restaurant was quite a ways away, so every now and then Kaito and Kokichi would stop by a nearby bush so Kokichi wouldn't be seen vomiting all over the sidewalks. Just as the fast food restaurant came into view, the two boys caught sight of what seemed to be tourists, which would explain why they were up at such an ungodly hour. The husband and wife both held a hand of their young son, maybe five or six years old. "Wow, mama, look," The boy spoke, "they're holding hands like you and papa!"

          The mother and father shared a wary look as the father shielded his sons eyes, the mother glaring at the two. Kaito felt Kokichi slow down a bit, stopping and tempting him to stop too. "Kokichi?"

          Kokichi let go of the astronaut's hand and began walking quickly towards the yellow sign in the distance. "Come on, Kaito. Wouldn't want them to close on us."

          Kaito looked back at him confused as he jogged to catch up, walking once beside him. "What? They're open 24-"

          Kaito's eyes widened in shock as he saw Kokichi's expression, a frown so deep you could fall into the same despair he felt. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and his brows dipped in frustration. Kaito felt the despair spread to his heart. "Kokichi? You okay?"

           He scoffed. "Let's just get a damn happy meal and go." He muttered, putting his hands in his pockets and pushing the door open with his foot.

          Kaito began taking their order as Kokichi sat down at a table and sulked. Kaito waited for their orders and arrived at the table with a grin. "Here's a happy meal for you!" He said, setting it in front of him.

          Lost in thought, Kokichi mindlessly dipped his fries in ketchup and ate them, staring out the window. "So, how'd you sleep?"

          "Horrible. Kept getting up because I had to throw up half a forest." He muttered, using a fry to draw lines on the paper his burger came wrapped in.

          "Ah, right..." Kaito said, his voice fading behind the ringing of the bell at the door.

          Kokichi didn't bother to look up but the dark flash of a person walking by caught Kaito's attention quick. He watched as they ordered and turned around to find a table- it was then that they made eye contact. "Kaito?"

          Kokichi lifted his head quick, looking back at Shuichi, his skin pale and his eyeliner smudged down his face. "God, all the traumatized teens are here today, I guess." Kokichi said, smiling like nothing happened. "What happened to you?" he asked.

          Shuichi sniffled, sitting down. "Kaede broke up with me. Her parents found out about us and didn't approve of our relationship so..." he said, his voice fading into more sniffling.

          Kokichi put an arm around him for comfort. "It's okay, Shumai. You have us, anyways!" He said cheerfully.

          Kaito stood from his chair, the metal against the floor making a loud sound. "Kaito?"

          "Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom." He said, running to the back.

          Kaito threw open the bathroom door, ran to the nearest stall as the nausea overcame him and threw up into the toilet. At first he thought it was food poisoning or maybe he had eaten too much fast food the past few days... but his heart stopped when he spotted a single petal rise to the top of the water.

A/N: It's almost midnight here- I did not check this for errors but I will tomorrow I think.
Edit: I edited it but I'm also kinda tired so dunno if it's okay or not. Hope so :shrug:
Edit 2: Alright, the paragraphs aren't weird anymore I think-

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