Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry, I think this chapter's a lot shorter than the others- the next one's gonna be nice and juicy tho <3

         "I love you, Kokichi Ouma."

          Kokichi thought about those words as he walked with Kaito back home. "And... you're not lying."

          "No, Kokichi, you asked me, like, three times."

          Kokichi stared at the floor, zoning out as his mind overwhelmed him with thoughts. How did he know Kaito wasn't lying? What if he was just that desperate to help. "How do I know you're not lying to me?" He finally asked.

          Kaito scratched the back of his neck, a light blush brushing over his face. "Well, I... thought now was the best time to tell you."

          "When I can't say no?" Kokichi joked, Kaito punching his shoulder jokingly.

          Kokichi sighed, thinking about the possibility of dating him. "Well... I'll give you a week."

          "Hm?" Kaito said, opening the door to his room.

          Kokichi held the door for him, motioning for him to walk inside in a somewhat gentlemanly manner. "If you can make my Hanahaki go away in a week- before my surgery- I'll take you on a date wherever you want to go as my official boyfriend."

          "Mars?" Kaito said, stars in his eyes.

          Kokichi glared. "Wherever you want to go on Earth."

          Kaito smiled. "Okay, okay. I'll figure it out after I save your life." He said with a wink.

          Kokichi rolled his eyes, walking in after him and sitting on his bed. "So, what first, babe?" He said teasingly, coughing lightly into his sleeve.

          Kaito thought a minute. "Well... we can have a double date with Shuichi and Kaede."

          "You're kidding, right...?" Kokichi said, cringing.

          Kaito cringed, realizing what he said. "Uh... how about I take you to dinner?"

          Kokichi kicked his feet on the side of the bed as he thought. "Mcd*n*lds?" He asked, sitting up.

          "If that's what you want." Kaito said, smiling. "Let's go."

          "No, no, let's wait until 3 am! Ooh! Does your suit from Prom still fit you?" Kokichi said eagerly, getting on his feet and looking through his pockets for his apartment keys.

          Kaito walked over to his closet, checking for his suit. "I still have it." He said, pulling it out with the hanger.

          Kokichi pulled his keys out of his pocket, reaching for the door handle. "I'll see you at three, then!" He said with a smile, leaving.

          Kokichi ran to his apartment, throwing open the door of the dusty apartment and searching closet. Grabbing his white and suit and iconic checkered scarf from the closet, he tossed it onto his bed as an overwhelming, nauseating feeling overcame him and rushed to the bathroom to avoid a mess to clean up. But he smiled to himself. Sure it was just fast food but free food is free food. Walking into the kitchen, he grabbed a glass of water to ease the penny taste in his mouth.

          His phone screen lit up as he headed back to his room, taking another sip from the glass.

Piano freak 🎹

Kokichi, please, we're just trying to help.

Where are you?

Dude wtf

Did Kaito not tell you he found me?

Piano freak 🎹


          A few minutes of silence led him to think Kaede was out to kill him. Maybe she'd use the ol' putt ball trick again. Kokichi laughed to himself as Kaede texted him again.

Piano freak 🎹


I mean, it's not really completely official yet?

Piano freak 🎹

So is your Hanahaki gone?

Don't mention it, I might

          Kokichi dropped his phone mid text and ran to the bathroom, slowly getting sick of the blood splatter around the bowl and the constant chills.

Don't mention it, I'm gonna throw up.

Piano freak 🎹

Oh geez, are you okay?

I'll be fine.

Piano freak 🎹

For the record, I'm not upset with you or anything. Please don't get mad if Shu and I don't spend as much time with you two until your surgery.

It's fine. I get it.

Piano freak 🎹

Thanks Kokichi. Stay safe, okay?

          Kokichi put his phone down with a sigh, tears pricking his eyes. It felt like every day he missed the detective more. He felt so guilty about that too- about taking up an offer to "date" someone when he still loved someone else. Shuichi was always so dense- Kokichi always felt envious of Kaede for getting through to him that she liked him when Kokichi never had the guts to go past flirting. During the killing game he thought he'd made it obvious but Shuichi's mind revolved around other things and Kokichi was just another obstacle for him.

          Immediately he was hit with a gut wrenching feeling as he rushed to the bathroom, throwing up once more. Floating on the water, the yellow and orange petals stuck together, nearly forming a full daffodil. Kokichi sobbed. Why was he like his? Considering the things he had done in his past, maybe this was just karma?

          If so, god was cruel for hurting him like this. He considered cancelling his surgery and just letting himself die this slow, painful death, when he got a text from Kaito.

Space booooy show me the stars

I'm going to bed- see you at three!

          Kokichi smiled down at his phone, sending him a heart before standing up, laying his phone on the nightstand screen-down and tucking himself into his blankets. It felt cold and quiet as he had gotten used to sleeping around people and spending a lot of time at Kaito's house. But he laid down, surrounded himself with pillows and tried to sleep after setting his alarm for 2:30 so he had time to get ready for his date tomorrow morning.  

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