First day back

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TW: F slur, bullies and strong language.

  August 14

Finneys pov:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ears. I groan while turning it of and flipping back around to go back to sleep. I enjoyed that 4½ minutes of sleep I had until my little sister, Gwen came bursting in. "Get up! Your gonna make us late!" Gwen says throwing something at me. "Get out! I don't wanna go-" I say before getting cut off by her dragging me off my bed. "Gwennnnnnn" I say sounding like I'm crying. "We have like, 15 minutes left dickwad. Hurry up." Gwen says walking out if my room. I groan while standing up and make my way to the bathroom and take care of my business, you know, brush your hair, teeth, and what not.

I go back into my room and pick out my usual outfit, a pare of jeans and plain t-shirt and my dark green jacket. I walk out of my room ready and grab my backpack. Gwen hands me a piece of toast before we walk out to leave for school. To be honest, I wasn't really looking forward to school, I mean yeah, Robin is there, but imagine getting called the f slur everyday and almost getting your head bashed into the side walk while trying to have a normal conversation. I dread going. The walk to school was silent and until I dropped Gwen off at junior high and made my way to the high-school.

About 6 more minutes later im finally there, I wished and prayed I wasn't. I walk into the halls and pull out my schedule to see I have history first period. History...I despise history. I walk into class and take my seat in the back right corner. 13 minutes later Robin walks in, my eyes light up when I see him. "Hey guapo" Robin say taking his backpack off. I respond to him "Hey rob." He calls me guapo but I'm not quite sure of what it means, he's done it sense 7th grade. "So how was yo-" I say getting cut off by my teacher. She looks old, has shit tons of wrinkles. "Alrighty class, settle down." My teacher says while standing up. She seems short. "I'm Mrs.Willmon and I'm going to be your history teacher for the year." I role my eyes at her comment. Every one knows she is a history teacher. She doesn't need to tell everyone again.

Class was about 45 minutes long. We had 15 minutes to get to your next class. We had 4 more minutes until class dismissal. Me and Robin passed notes alot to pass time for the last 20 minutes of class, talking about how old she looks. I really enjoyed it. There's just something about Robin that makes me so happy. His laugh, his eyes, his hair, his personality. Everything about him was perfect. But I'm just not his. I was outed last year for being gay, but Robin did give two shits. He stayed with me and helped me with the bully crap.

The bell ringed and eveyone was already scattering out of the class. Well...trying to...turns out, 'Mrs.Willmon' is one of the teachers that says "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do." Teacher. Ughhh. Can't we just go already.

She finally let us go, and me and Robin go straight to talking about class. Well that was until I got pushed by ONE of my bullies, Buzz. He is so annoying. And ugly. And a fucking hypocrite. He walks right pass me after he does it. Me and Robin had to part ways and I had science while Robin had reading.

I set my stuff in the classroom and walk back out to the restroom. It was 3 halls away. I realized I was being followed by someone so I turn around to see Mattie, Matt, and Buzz. I made a run for it into the guys restroom and hide in the last stall. I hear the doors swing open. One. By. One. My heart started to beat faster the closer the sounds get. "I know your in your in her faggot." Mattie say. I step out if the stall, and look directly at them. "What are you doing in here? See the sign it says boys." Mattie says. "Not fags" Buzz says after Mattie. The bathroom door swings open and I see Robin walk and and the clear a path for him. "Hey Finn." Robin says while walking to the sink. "Hey Robin....." I say quietly. "Everything okay?" "Yeah, sure." I say backing into the corner. Robin looks over at Mattie, Buzz and Matt and glares at them. They were about to leave. "Wait." Robin says. They all stop moving and turn back around to me and Robin. "Fuck with Finn again. And I fuck with you." Robin says. The continued to stand there while Robin wrapped his hands, it looked like he got into another fight. "You can leave now." Robin says, sounding annoyed. "Thanks..." I say under my breath. "Anytime guapo" Robin says while turning back around.

I continue to stare at him, admiring his beauty. "Finn." Robin says while snapping at my face. "Hmm? Oh sorry..I got sidetracted..." "What? While staring at me? You think im that cute hm?" Robin says stepping closer to me. "Huh?! What no! I-its not like that!" I say blushing. "Mhmmmmm" Robin says with I funny sort of tone. "Well I gotta go guapo, see ya later cutie." He says winking while walking out.

What the actual fuck.

𝙼𝚢 𝚗𝚒ñ𝚘 𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚙𝚘 // 𝙰 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 || discontinued Where stories live. Discover now