Lets talk

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Tw: boy x boy, RoMaNcE <3

August 28

Finneys pov:

I haven't talked to Robin about what happened a few days ago, but its still been on my mind. I told him I wanted to talk to him yesterday, I tried to explain to him but he still didn't understand. Today was the day that I was just going to tell him. I'm going to spill my heart out. Tell him how much I love him. How much I care about him.

I walk downstairs to the phone and call Robin. It was Friday, about 5pm. We didn't have school today, because it was some sort of holiday for the teachers.

Robins pov:

I was trying to work on my math studies until I hear a call in the kitchen. I walk out to the phone and answer. "Hello?" I say crossing my arms. "Hey its Finney! I was seeing what you were doing right now." Finn says. My eyes start to twinkle as I hear his voice. "Oh! Hey Finn. Uh yeah, well im working on my math studies right now." I say twisting the phone cord around my finger. "Oh...well nev-" Finney says, while I cut him off. "But I rather hang out with you then do my studies. Unless you can come over and help me study, then stay the night?" I say, I hoped he would say yes.

Finneys pov:

"But I rather hang out with you then do my studies. Unless you can come over and help me study, then stay the night?" Robin says. Everything was going great. When he asked my heart melted. I'm inlove with his voice. His laugh. Just Everything about him. "Uh...yeah sure. Ill be over in 10." I Say. My heart started to beat faster. We always hanged out. I'm guessing I'm just super nervous. "Alright guapo, ill see you soon." Robin says. What does that mean. He says it all the time...I've always wonder what it means.

I got ready and went to robins house. He lived just around the corner so it was no biggie. I was wearing green cargo pants, an ACDC shirt with a plaid  sweater like thing over it. I really hope he likes it.

I finally arrive at his house and knock on his door. It took a minute or two for him to get to the door. "Hey finn" Robin says smiling. I feel something warm creep up onto my face. "Uh. Hey Robin" I smile back at him while he scoots to the side to let me in. We make our way up to his room and take a seat. "So, what are you having trouble with?" I ask him while looking at his paper. "Number 8. Mrs.Delre (del-ray) way to fast." Robin says slightly laughing.

We study for about an hour or two. I was bored and ready to talk to him. We were still studying when I dropped my pencil and stopped to look at him. "Finn? You okay?" Robin says confused and worried. "Robin..."I say kinda looking away. "Finney. Whats wrong, im super confused. Are you okay?" Robin asks. "I've been wanting to talk to you about something. Its been on my mind...alot." I say feeling tears form in my eyes. I don't know why. Why are there tears. I'm not supposed to cry. What the hell.

"Tell me guapo. Whats going on." Robin says looking at me. "Robin...I've been to afraid to tell you this. I tried telling you a few days ago but you didn't understand..."I say looking back at him. "Did I do something wrong. Whatever it is, ill fix it...." Robin says. "You did nothing wrong..."I say turning my head away. "Then what is it guapo?" Robin asked in a worried tone. "Robin....I really, really REALLY like you...I love your eyes. Your voice. Or smile. Your hair. Everything. I love everything about you...and I'm so sorry. I know its wrong..." I says looking back at him with tears about to gush out of my eyes.

"Finney I...."
CLIFFHANGER! But don't worry. The next chapter will be good...hopefully.

𝙼𝚢 𝚗𝚒ñ𝚘 𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚙𝚘 // 𝙰 𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 || discontinued Where stories live. Discover now