Finney I....

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TW: Kiss/ing <3 *idk* boy x boy. romance.

August 28

Robins pov:

When Finn told me, my heart dropped, I was happy. I always had feelings for him, but I was to afraid to. "Finn
..." I say nervously. "Listen...I'm sorry, I should go." Finn says standing up, while grabbing his things. "No wait, please..."I say grabbing his wrist lightly, turning him around.

I didn't realize I turn him to much so our noses were a few inches away.

3rd person pov:

As Robin didn't realize how much he twisted Finn. Their noses where inches away. Heat creeped onto their face as they stood there for a hot minute.

"Finney I....I like you too...more then a friend." Robin says. Robin was nervous. He felt something in his stomach. He felt..happy.

Finneys pov:

Was he for real? He looked at me as I looked at him. Before you knew it I felt a pair of warm lip upon mine. He pulls away quickly. "I'm so sorry I shouldn't o-" he starts to say before I cut him off. I press our lip together passionately.

He doesn't pull away this time. We melt into the kiss, then pull away have a second. "That...."Robin starts to say. "Was amazing" Robin say continuing to burst into laughter. I look at him with a straight face.

"Sorry, did I hurt your feelings?..."Robin says worried. I burst into laughter as I look at the face he made. "No silly." I say still slight laughing.

Its been an hour or so and we are laying on his bed, maybe about 38 minutes into Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It was only 5pm
Robin looked over at me as I turn to him. "You okay" I ask wondering. "Um yeah...but I have a question." Robin asked looking kinda nervous and cheeks red. "Shoot it." I say looking at him. "What are we?" Robin asked. "What do you mean?" I say confused. "I mean like...are we together or like-"Robin says. "Only if you want to be." I say looking at him. A smile appears on his face as he nods yes. I smile back and kiss him on his lips. I melt into the kiss as his lips were warm.

Robin bites my lips to make it more heated as in adding his tongue. We explore eachothers mouth then pull away to breath. We wait for a second or two then press our lips back together, he moves his way down my neck, leaving small love bites and marks on my neck, but nothing to serious.

This lasted for minutes until someone, or should I say people...burst into the door. I jump off him quickly as I was sitting in his lap. My face was terrified. I had no clue who they were, maybe besides for one person who looked familiar, which he was. Pinball Vance. 'Shit' I thought.

"" Vance says flabbergasted. They all make their way into the room as I scoot closer to the corner of Robin's bed.

"Suprise??" Robin says with jazz hands.
Vance was smiling. "Congrats" I see q short blonde boy say. "I'm Griffen!" He says. I smile and nod my head at him. "Billy" a boy with swooped hair says. "Bruce" he says smiling, he had a baseball cap on. "Vance." He had curly blonde hair that went to his shoulders. "Finney. Finney Blake." I say.

I sounded like a complete idiot. "Wait" Vance says bursting out in laughter. "Your the one Robin talks about all the time" Vance and Bruce says. I looked behind them and it looked as if they were secretly holding hands.

I smirk a little. "What?" Robin says.."you talk about me" I sounding sarcastic. "Of course I woulddddd." Robin says playfully slapping my shoulder. "Well, Vance." I say looking at them. "Yall shouldn't hide yalls hands...yall seem....suspicious...."I say smirking at Robin. Bruce and Vance blushed, moving their hands away.

Everyone went to sit down. "Hey Robin, is that your baseball bat?" Bruce says. "No, its Finns." Robin says. "You play baseball?!" Bruce says. His eyes light up. "Yes! I adore baseball. I've played sense I was little." I say smiling. "Come one!" Bruce says standing up and dragging me downstairs. He brought my baseball bat too.

It took us a minute to get down to the field. "Ready?" Bruce says looking at me.

"I'm always ready."

AN: Sorry this chapter was pretty short. But I would like to say that, I will never have an AN page on here, they will always be at the end of the story. So the chapters are only the story and what not. Thank you so much by the way! I love yall and hope yall have a wonderful night/day!

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