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"Right, so this is the fun spirited place I'm stuck in for the rest of the semester" Valentina deadpanned
"This should be fun."

Valentina walked up to the front of the school, fretted by the head of the school, principal weems.
"Hello, you must be valentina Rossi, it's a pleasure, I'm principal weems, I hope you have a wonderful time here at nevermore, and be quite enjoyed to know that you are in the best hands here." Weems exclaimed.

"Oh wow, yes I'm sure, this must be the last place strong enough to hold me." Valentina smiled a sickly sweet smile while talking to weems.
"May I ask you know about me and your mother being friends during our time here years ago?" She asked
"You, able to survive the sickeningly sweet sarà Rossi, I call my mother, with your sanity intact, I dare say I'm impressed."

"Well, um is it time to arrange everything? Let's head to my office shall we."

"So as you know, your daughter will be in the best hands, we have so many other students just like her

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"So as you know, your daughter will be in the best hands, we have so many other students just like her. I'm sure she's going to love it." Val blocked everything anyone was saying, ignoring anything principal weems was explaining to her parents about the school.

"Excellent, excellent, isn't this just wonderful, Bella, there's so many great opera unites here, I know your gonna love it just like we did, these will be the best years of your life." Nicholas told his daughter.
"Great can I go now, I wanna unpack everything." Val wasn't going to lie, this is a bit boring, and definitely a was of her time, she could be out exploring but no, she has to sit with her parent and the principal.

"Oh and one last thing Larissa, what about Val's therapy sessions, the court ordered them?" Sarà asked Larissa weems. "Oh yes, we have a wonderful therapist down in Jericho, it's about a 25 minute walk down there, but I'll drive her personally to her sessions, back and forth, once a week."

"So shall we check out your dorm? I've assigned you your mothers old room, Ophelia hall."

"Here we are, your new dorm for the rest of the semester

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"Here we are, your new dorm for the rest of the semester." Principal weems described to Val more so than her parents.

"Oh wow, there's a lot of colour, it's unique." We're the only words to come out of Val's mouth after seeing the bugling colours swirling around the room, more so on the left hand side, where she was guessing her roommate slept.

A girl covered from head to toe in colour jumped up from her seat on the other side of the room and practically ran to greet her.
"Howdy roomie!" The girl went in for a hug but retracted her hands after seeing val not move an inch.
"Not a hugger, got it" the girl finalised
"This is Enid Sinclair, she will be your roommate for your time here. We'll leave you to it. Enid please take valentina to the registraters office to collect her new uniform and her schedule."

"Aww, my little girl all grown up, in her fancy uniform, you look so pretty mi amore

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"Aww, my little girl all grown up, in her fancy uniform, you look so pretty mi amore." Her mother smothered her with kisses. "You look amazing mi Tesoro" her dad complimented her.

Principal weems had a uniform taloured to fit Val's liking, her favourite a gray tone which brings out the brown in her gorgeous chocolatey eyes.

"well we have to go my little sugar plum, I do hope you'll love it here, I love you so so so much, bye my love."
"Bye mum"
"Good bye baby, I know you'll turn everyone's heads when you walk through the school, do me proud, I love you."
"Bye dad, love you."

"Go wait in the car dear, I'll just be a sec, I love you." My parents always spoke that way to each other, you can really tell how much they love each other, they'd both go to the ends of the world for each other. I just hope someday I'll meet someone the same way they met each other and fell so deeply in love.

"My little dream, I have a gift for you, so you'll always remember me when I'm not here." Val's mother pulled out a beautiful necklace! With the initials V+S inscribed onto the beautiful gold charm.
"Mum, its beautiful, I love it, thank you." As soon as the words thank you left her soft mouth she immediately clipped the necklace at the back of her neck and spun the charm to the front so everyone could see its beauty.
"Oh its alright my love, never forget we'll always be there for you. I love you, have fun and make new friends. Bye!" With that her mother jumped back into the car and they drove off leaving Valentina all on her own to make new friends and learn something new at this new school.

"Let's see how long I'll last in this rotten jail for teenage kids."

Well this is the second chapter,
I hope you liked it, I also changed the face claim,
I think Katie Douglas fitted the role a little bit better.
It also works well because it makes it a whole lot easier
To make edits, you can find them on my TikTok,
@swxfttwix , they might've started as Megan fox but
from now on it'll be Katie Douglas.
Pls comment and vote.

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