The New Special Division 4

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With Ditto 1

After minutes of Kishibe attempting to strangle Denji and Power and Ditto's attempts to stop him, he finally let go of the two devils.

The two fell to the ground panting and taking deep breaths, holding their necks in relief.

"Hey, man! What gives?!" Ditto said with irritation evident in his voice as he gave Kishibe a glare.

"Training them, what else?" Kishibe said disinterested in Ditto's anger.

"That was training?! You almost killed them!" the splixson yelled at the captain.

"Those two are immortal devils, I couldn't kill them even if I wanted to. Plus, Makima told me I can do anything I want to those two devil scum in training and that you have to help me do this even if you don't agree with my methods." the devil hunter stated coldly as the cloning alien gave him a glare.

"Allright, I'll accept your methods but if you do anything to Denji and Power, I will...!"

"Whatever you say." Captain Kishibe replied non-chalantly as he glared at the two devils. "You two, get up. The training will be some sort of a game of cat and mouse, predator and prey. You will have to hide and try to manage to land an attack on me and Tennyson. You have three days, however, if you don't manage to do it in that time, I'll kill you. Got it?"

Denji and Power gulped in fear and nodded before running off into one of the dilapitated gray buildings surrounding the area as Kishibe and Ditto entered it afterwards. And thus, the training from hell has begun.

With Ditto 3

While that happened, the third Ditto clone was patrolling around the city with Kobeni with nothing of note happening throghout the walk.

After getting bored to death by this uneventful situation, the splixson decided to have a small chat with his colleague.

"Kobeni, can I ask you something?"

"Hm? Sure, what is it Ben?" Kobeni asked, a bit curious of what the teenage hero may have to ask of her.

"Why did you became a devil hunter? You seemed terrified with the last mission, it doesn't really seem like you want to be out here hunting horrible demonic creatures." Ditto 3 asked curiously.

"Oh...why, you family had been in the devil hunting business since basically its inception, and, I didn't want to dissappoint my parents by not respecting the tradition I am now, hunting devils while scared for my life..." Kobeni said pauding slightly before continuing:

" may think I am a coward for not telling them my mind that I don't want to do this..." the young woman laughed bitterly.

"Not at all. I don't think you're a cowardly person, Kobeni." the splixson said making Kobeni look at him in surprise.

" don't?" she asked the white sns black alien.

"I mean, yeah, maybe not speaking your mind was cowardly of you still went ahead and did it even if you didn't want to...and with that I think you're one of the most courageous persons I know, with also the fact that you were a badass in that fight with Sawatari." Ditto said, causing the girl to look at him shyly with a blush on her face.

"Wow...thanks for saying that Ben but...seeing you so calm and cool-headed...I'd wish I could be like you once too..."

"You really think that I am like that? Well, not at all, actually. I mean, with me saving the world and became quite a burden on my shoulders...paparazzi and fan girls not leaving me alone, everyone thinking I have to save to world and crazed villains coming after me...if you'd ask me...I would've wanted to have a quiet and carefree life like yours." Ditto 3 said, but when Kobeni was about to reply, suddenly hundreds of zombie devils appeared from the streets.

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