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In an end, however, Chainsaw Man overpowered Humungousaur and stabbed him straight through the chest, stabbing so deep until the chainsaw came out through the vaxasaurian's back.

Humungousaur gasped for air as blood started coming out of his mouth. Soon enough, his conscience faded away.

Through the bits of conscience he managed to slap the Omnitrix dial and transform into XLR8.

Even through his conscience faded here and there, the kineccelerran managed to make his way through Tokyo and the pacific ocean, he arrived in his hometown of Bellwood.

Just as XLR8 reached the Rustbucket in the local woods, he knocked at the door and...instanltly collapsed to the floor, unconscious from all of his wounds and echaustion.


"Ughhh...my head...w...what happened...w...where am I...?" the omnitrix groaned in exhaustion when his eyes started opening slowly, and he saw the all too familliar cell of the Rustbucket RV.

How did he get here? When? And wasn't he cut through the chest by Denji? How was he still alive.

These questions came to a stop once he heard an voice he thought he'd never hear again.

"Hey there, sport! Looks like you finally woke up!" the familliar voice of Grandpa Max was heard as he was working at who knows what on the stove. By the sounds of it, it seemed to be something that was still alive.

"Max!" Ben exclaimed as he could feel his lower lip tremble and his eyes tear up slightly as he tried to get up and hug his grandpa, only for the magister to puzh his grandson back down.

"Woah there, sport! I know yoi'reexcited to sre me but don't force yourself."

"How did I got here?" the teenage hero asked his grandpa in confusion. "Wasn't I in Tokyo?"

"Well, it's kind of a long story. And I'll to ask you about it as well. But let's eat some Squid Monster stew with a bit of Muroid meat in it?" Grandpa Max said as whatever was in that pot jumped to grab Max by the face which he bashed with a bat in return.

"Sure, sounds good." Ben said, making Max look at him in surprise. Ben couldn't say he wasn't surprised as well. When did he ever eat Grandpa's disgusting food.

But after seeing his friends die before his very eyes and almost getting killed by his new best friend, he would've eat anything now.

After a few moments, Max put the stew of Squid Monster with Muroid meat in some bowls and put them on the table for him and Ben to eat.

"So...Max, how did I get here?" the omnitrix wielder asked his grandpa in curiosity as he wasn't remembering anything after Denji stabbed him.

"Well, I saw you as XLR8 running towards the Rustbucket, so I stopped to see if something is wrong. You were bruised and heavily wounded and you eventually collapsed at the door. I touched the Omnitrix to turn you back to human and I patched up, so that's about it, sport." Grandpa Max said as he saw how Ben grimaced slightly, as if he remembered something he didn't want to. "I see you're a bit uneasy, Ben. Did anything happen with your team?"

"Yes, it did. Makima was revealed to actuslly be a devil. I had to kill my teammate Aki to save him and...and then...she...she killed Power without any remorse and my friend Denji was transformed into a mindless monster...I...I don't know what to do anymore, Max...!" Ben exclaimed as he eventually couldn't hold back the tears and thry started to flow from his eyes.

Grandpa Max looked at his grandson in simpathy and put his hand on Ben's shoulder, causing the teenager to look at him in surprise.

"Ben, you aren't the type to let something like that hamper your focus. You should try to do something but instead...you're crying in a corner as if you're powerless." Max said causing Ben to shake his head.

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