Chapter 4

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Rhaenyra smiled, her fingers running through Aemma's long smooth silky silver locks. Deep inside wishing, if only her sons were blessed to inherit this colour, whispers within the Keep about their legitimacy would cease to exist. For this reason alone, a part of her will always envy all her half-siblings. They are so fortunate to be born with the signature Targaryen features in spite of being birthed by a non-Targaryen, Hightower mother. But that feeling of envy was insignificant, leaving her unable to deny her fondness for her little sister and stop doting on her.

Aemma Targaryen may have no connection with Aemma Arryn. Yet every time Rhaenyra looked deeply into her little sister's eyes it felt as if she was staring into her mother's soul. And a sense of urgency to protect this little girl grew inside her. Rhaenyra did not feel such connection with any of her other half siblings; which led her to wonder often times if her father was right.

Could Aemma be her mother... reborn?

Lucerys and Aemma sat before Rhaenyra, who is now heavy with her third child. Their curious eyes transfixed on the woman's swollen belly.

"The babe is in here?" Aemma asked, pointing at the highest peak of the expanded belly. Hesitant to touch it, afraid she might hurt her sister. "Does it not feel heavy and uncomfortable to have it inside your belly. Do you not feel frightened, sister?"

Slowly, so as not to scare the little girl than she already was, Rhaenyra reaches out to take Aemma's hand and press it to her belly, letting her feel the babe kicking.

Sharing this experience with her.

"I will not lie, it is a frightening experience indeed, little sister. I was scared during my first and the second time. As much as I am scared now." Using her other hand Rhaenyra rubbed her belly, smiling.

"For what it is worth, all such unpleasant feelings are forgotten the moment you meet your newborn and take them into your arms."

Aemma looked up, and held Rhaenyra's gaze with glassy eyes. Least convinced by her explanation.

"I do not expect you to understand me now. But I assure you, that one day you will, after becoming a mother yourself."

Aemma retrieved her hand off of Rhaenyra's belly.

"I have no wish to become a mother." She admitted timidly. Gaining a confused look from the dark haired boy sitting beside her.

"Lady Lyanne told me birthing is excruciatingly painful. Many at times causing the death of the mother..." Rhaenyra closed her eyes, already knowing what her sister is about to say "...your own mother died in birthing bed too, did she not?"

"And yet it did not prevent me from becoming a mother myself." The older female encouraged the younger one.

"Fret not now, age will give you the courage to embrace motherhood. In addition to that," Rhaenyra cast a glance at Lucerys before promising Aemma, "you shall have a loving lord husband by your side, holding onto your hand like..." She could not finish the sentence. Because the name sitting at the tip of her tongue isn't her husband's, it's the Commander of the City Watch.

"I will protect you Aemma, always." The young boy also promised, following in his mother's direction.

Aemma stared at him, blankly.

I don't need you to protect me. Is what she wanted to say. But dared not. Alternately, she smiled. Her contagious smile bringing smile to Rhaenyra and her son's face as well.

Little did they know then, those promises meant nothing to younger girl. She cared little for their words or their tender smiles. It would have only mattered to her, if it came from certain someone. The very thought of whom actually brought that smile on the her face. Although too young to recognize what sort of feeling it was but had enough awareness to understand her insides warmed every time his thought came to her mind.

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