Watching Airplanes

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Olivia stood in front of Elliot as tears slipped down her cheeks. She didn't even bother to wipe them away, because they would be replaced in a matter of seconds, anyway.

"Are you sure?" Elliot asked as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He didn't want her to leave, especially since he was madly in love with her. 

"I can't do this anymore, Elliot. All the fighting... I just can't stand it anymore," Olivia sniffled. She looked at Elliot for a long moment, before lifting her eyes to look at the screen behind him. Her flight was going to be boarding any second now, and she wanted to just get this over with.

"We can go to therapy and-"

"And what? Elliot, things just aren't the same anymore. Things are messy and I don't think we are nearly as in love with each other as we were before. So please, just let me go," Olivia whispered. She looked back at Elliot before stepping forward and hugging him tightly.

They stayed in the embrace until Olivia's flight was called to board. She stepped back, Elliot's arms not wanting to let her go. She leaned down and grabbed her carry-on before walking away from Elliot without saying another word. 

Elliot turned and watched as she walked away, his entire being regretting the moments they fought.


Elliot unlocked the door to their apartment. Inside, he heard classical music playing as Olivia cleaned up after dinner. The dinner he had promised to be home for, but missed it by over an hour.

"Hey, baby. I'm sorry that I'm late. I got caught up on a cold case and-"

"And once again, work is more important than me. Why wouldn't it be?" Olivia snapped, her hands still in the soapy dishwater.


"I spent my entire day off preparing dinner for us. I went and got your favorite wine, and I even put on your favorite navy blue dress of mine..." Olivia trailed off before she said something she'd regret. In the heat of the moment, Olivia was certain she'd ruin what they had. If not, Elliot would at least storm off.

"Olivia, I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again," Elliot spoke, as he sat his briefcase down. He walked to where Olivia stood and wrapped his arms around her waist. He pressed kisses to the delicate skin on Olivia's tanned neck. 

Olivia closed her eyes tightly before taking her hands from the water and pushing Elliot's arms away from her body.

"This wasn't the first time, El. You are always working late, or saying you'll come home for dinner, but go out and get drinks with your buddies instead. Elliot, we promised to put our everything into this relationship, but your everything is not nearly enough!" Olivia huffed as she turned to look at Elliot. 

She was pressed against the sink, and there was no space between her and Elliot. The air felt electric, and Olivia didn't enjoy being this close to Elliot when she was so pissed off.

"Olivia, I'm sorry. I know you don't believe me, but-"

"But nothing, El! I can't do this anymore!" Olivia cried. She gave her boyfriend a shove before grabbing the bottle of wine from the counter. She walked to their bedroom and slammed the door shut.

Elliot took a slow breath and frowned. He truly fucked up this time, because Olivia never said that she done before. Now she did.


Elliot and Olivia continued to live together, but their relationship was speeding downhill. Elliot slept on the couch, and Olivia cried herself to sleep in their bed. Even if Olivia was done with her relationship, she didn't have the heart to break up with Elliot. She was still in love with him, but you can only use love as an excuse for so long. At one point, it just gets sad.

Elliot got home late again one night, and this time he found Olivia standing in the livingroom, her eyes locked on the door. She nervously ran her hands over her pants before speaking.

"I think it's time we end the suffering. There isn't anything between us anymore, and this apartment doesn't feel like home anymore..." Olivia trailed off.

"No, please! Baby-"

"I bought a ticket to Paris, and I leave tomorrow. I'm coming back, I think... but not to you. El, I'm sorry. But the last thing I want is to continue a relationship that destroys me... destroys us both. So I'm going to store my stuff at Fin's, and I'll have him warn you when I get back. I don't want you to be surprised if you see me around," Olivia breathed.

"I'll take you to the airport," Elliot whispered as he hung his jacket up.

"You don't have-"

"I need to say goodbye one last time, baby. Even if you come back... you won't come back to me."


Elliot walked out of the airport and back to his car. He was crying as he drove away, but stopped near the exit. He pulled over and got out of his car before staring up. A plane was taking off, but Elliot didn't know if Olivia was on that plane. If she was looking down at him and wondering if this was all a mistake. Yet Elliot was certain that she was done with him.

Elliot wiped tears from his cheek before getting in his car and turning it around quickly. He headed back towards the airport and barely parked his car before running back inside. Elliot raced towards where he last saw Olivia. He stood there and watched as the gate closed, and he realized that he actually just lost her.

He lost the woman he wanted to start a family with. The woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Now, all he could think about was how none of his dreams would come true because his life was on a plane to Paris.

Elliot sniffled as he turned around, before stopping in his tracks as his eyes went wide.

"I was wondering if you'd come back," Olivia whispered as she looked at Elliot.

"I-i wanted to stop you from leaving, or at least see if you changed your mind. Clearly-"

"Clearly I changed my mind, El. I want to give us another chance, okay? Can we-"

Elliot stopped Olivia's words when he smashed his lips into hers. They snaked their arms around each other as they gave everything they had to the other.

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