Liv and Ed

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Here you go yourgirlshaandre! I hope you enjoy!

Olivia walked out of her office dressed in a tight black dress and heels. She had spent the last hour getting ready for her date, and her crew didn't realize until the moment her office door opened.

"Holy shit, Liv! You look hot!" Amanda exclaimed. Olivia blushed softly and smiled as she pulled her hair out of her jacket.

"Thank you, Rollins. I appreciate the compliment," Olivia replied. 

"Where are you going?" Fin questioned, leaning back in his desk chair.

"I have a date tonight, and tomorrow I am off. So I'll see you all on Friday," Olivia smiled. She waved at her crew before strutting from the squadroom and to the elevator.

Fin stood and walked to where Amanda sat.

"Alright, who is she dating?" Fin questioned. Amanda looked at him and laughed.

"Do you honestly think she'd tell me?! Fin, when she likes someone, she usually hides them until she knows things won't get fucked up. How many times did she bang Cassidy and Haden without us knowing?" Amanda replied. Fin huffed as he walked to the doors and looked down the hall. All he saw was the elevator door closing and Olivia texting someone. He turned back to the squad room and walked back to his desk.

"Whoever this guy is, he better sleep with one eye open. If he hurts us, I will track him down and kill him," Fin grumbled.

"I'm sure Olivia has already warned him," Amanda smiled.


Olivia sat on the sofa in a dimly lit living room as her boyfriend left hickeys on her exposed neck. With each kiss, her body relaxed, and she moaned deeply. It had been a while since someone kissed her like this, and she enjoyed every second of it.

"Wanna take this to the bedroom?" Ed's voice breathed into Olivia's ear. She opened her eyes and looked at him with a soft smile on her swollen lips.

"I thought you'd never ask," she replied softly. Ed leaned in close and kissed her softly, before standing and reaching his hand out to her. They wandered through his house and to the stairs that seemed to take forever to climb. 

Once inside his bedroom, Ed grabbed Olivia by her waist and kissed her deeply. Olivia's body shook as his fingers unzipped her dress and then placed kisses on her exposed skin. He kissed his way over her body before laying her against his bed.

"Give me one second," Ed smiled as he took his own clothes off and then went to dig through his bathroom. Olivia propped herself up and sighed after a few minutes of waiting. When she went to check on him, he was still anxiously digging through a drawer.

"Ed? What are you doing?" Olivia questioned as she leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms across her bare chest. He jumped and spun to look at her.

"This is so bad, Liv. Uh-"

"Hey, if you need a little help, that's fine. We can wait," Olivia breathed, as she tried to be understanding of the situation. She hadn't been in a relationship since Cassidy, who was younger than Ed, so she wasn't used to a partner needing a little help in this department.

"No, it's not that. Trust me... I don't have a condom, and I think we need one."

"Let me check my purse... Otherwise, I'll run out and get some. Okay?" Olivia spoke, and he nodded awkwardly.

After they could not locate a condom, Olivia and Ed got dressed before driving to the nearest store. Once there, Olivia went inside and Ed waited outside. Even if they were there together, Ed didn't want to risk an officer noticing them together and telling everyone that Ed was dating a co-worker.

"What size?" Olivia whispered to herself. She looked at the different sizes before grabbing two boxes and walking from the aisle. As she went to grab a bottle of wine, she froze in her spot when she saw Amanda standing there. She slowly stepped back, bumping into a display on accident. 

Amanda turned to see what the noise was and her eyes went wide when she spotted Olivia.

"Liv? What are you doing here?" Amanda asked. Olivia took a shaky breath as her face grew red.

"Um..." Olivia breathed, before turning and hurrying away. She bought the condoms faster than she bought anything before. As she stumbled out the front door, Amanda followed her quietly and watched as she grabbed Ed's hand and led him back to his car.


Olivia managed to forget about the awkward moment with Amanda after having sex with Ed for the first time. Even if she had been so relaxed and happy after spending time with Ed, that all faded the moment she walked into her squad room. Amanda and Fin were talking about something but stopped abruptly when Olivia entered the room.

"H-hey guys. Everything okay?"

"When were you going to tell us you are sleeping with Ed Tucker?" Fin asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Olivia's face went red as she gnawed on her cheek.


"Rollins saw you buying condoms! Are you kidding me? Cassidy was bad enough, but Tucker?!" Fin huffed. Olivia felt as her face grew hot with anger and she walked right to Fin's desk and shoved his feet off the desk.

"You may be my friend, and I care about you. But you don't have the right to complain about who I date or not. Ed isn't the same man he used to be, and he's changed. I care about him... Hell, I think I may even be falling in love with him! Just because he was a jerk in the past, doesn't mean he still is. After the shitty guys I've been with in the past, you should be glad I found someone who wants to settle down and actually support me," Olivia huffed.

She turned and stomped into her office as hot tears slipped freely down her cheeks. After the year she has had, she didn't understand why Fin couldn't just be happy. He wasn't giving her relationship a chance, but there was nothing that would change Olivia's mind about Ed. At least not right now.

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