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I'm waiting for the beat drop in Me and your Momma

There it is

(I'm going to update this chapter every couple of days untill they lead up to Christmas and Hanukkah, what celebrations do you guys celebrate?)


Normally, the creepypastas don't celebrate Christmas. Some, do it by themselves by quietly celebrating Hanukkah or Christmas in their rooms.

But with Y/n around this year, The teen is bound to to force the holly spirit on the killers.

And soon, a Christmas special will tell the wonderful story of a teen in the holiday spirit and a group of Killers who wouldn't mind celebrating as well.

"One snowy night, In the Slenderman's mansion, where most humans would see as the place where such spirit wouldn't be a loud. But, this story leads to events that would say otherwise...

Thanks to our main protagonist, You."


The teen rose in their bed, looking around the dimly lit room. The teens sleep schedule was fucked, and to their surprise it was already night, instead of morning.

"Shit." Oh! What a profanity!

The teen slipped out of their f/c covers and walked to their door, slipping on their sweatshirt that hung on the metal door handle.

With a few strides, they were already walking down the hall, noticing how the red gothic walls were dull of color, where was the holiday spirit?!

At the end of the hall near the staircase, Timothy and Brian stood talking to one another. Y/n saw this as a chance to bring up their thoughts of the manner, and how it was disgraceful to not celebrate such time of year.

"Don't tell me you guys don't celebrate Christmas, or Hanukkah." The teen groaned, making Tim furrow his eyebrows. "Did you just wake up?" Tim spoke, making Y/n roll their eyes. "Yeah, what about it. Where the hell are the lights?! The cheer!" Y/n rose their arms, Brian was thankful someone else finally thought like him.

"That's what Im saying!" Brian scoffed at Tim.

"It's not even Christmas." Tim muttered.

"And?! Its depressing around here! Look at Jeff! Doesn't he seem Emo-er than usual?!" Y/n pointed at the killer that had emerged from his room, to looking as if he just woke up.

"Huh?" Jeff paused, looking over at his name being said.

"See! He doesn't even respond with a 'fuck you' anymore! And look at Bloody Painters paintings! Their all grey and shit!" Y/n exclaimed. Brian added onto their argument, making Tim sigh in defeat.

"I'm not the one to be yelling at, Talk to the boss."


Even Jeff walked away, not wanting to be apart of that act. "Heh, I haven't talked to the big man in awhile..." Y/n let out a nervous chuckle, stepping back. "good luck Y/n." Brian smiled, following after Tim down the steps.

Y/n stood at the top of the staircase, their mind still foggy with sleep.

"CP/N? Would you like to ask me something?"

Y/n's hands balled into fists, their heart raced.

"Yeah...about that." Y/n muttered.

"I was wondering if we could, I could, decorate the manner." Y/n slowly spoke, not knowing where to look. "I don't see why not, As long as it doesn't affect your work schedule then I would be more than happy to see this place alive." The creature sighed, and it's presence was gone.

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