Chapter 11

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happy chrismer! it's finally the holidays <3

this chapter is gonna normal-ish, but I'm losing the motivation to write and this is an attempt at a filler chapter :p


(time skip to Saturday~)

Japan had grabbed South's jacket before she got into her car with the intention of giving it back. She secretly really wanted to keep it, and it had continued to keep its lovely scent. She was wearing one of her favorite outfits: a white sweater and black skirt, with leggings and boots to match. Eagerly, she typed South Korea's address into her GPS and was on her way. She arrived a little earlier than expected, but went ahead and knocked on the door. She inhaled the scent of the jacket, and it wasn't long before a country Japan didn't recognize opened the door. It's his brother, she realized. He had a patch with a red star over one eye, and his other eye seemed to be glaring right through her. "South!" He yelled over his shoulder. "Your girlfriend is here!" Japan's cheeks blazed with heat. She heard a clambering of footsteps, and soon South was at the door, red-faced and trying to push his laughing brother away. He succeeded, and closed the door in his brother's face. South looked down out his feet, embarrassed. "That's North Korea," he said. "He's annoying." Japan hesitantly looked up, holding out the jacket to him. "I have your jacket." 

South grinned and gently took it from her. "I've missed it," he winked. He put it on, placing his hands in his pockets, obviously feeling for the items inside. He gave a barely audible sigh of relief, then grinned at her. "Let's go," he said. "We'll take my car." It was a wonderful car with leather seats and a great speaker system. Japan nervously fidgeted with her necklace, twisting the heat charm around and around. "Where are we going?" Japan asked after an uncomfortable amount of silence. "You'll see. It's one of my favorite places in the world, and I want you to see it." Japan felt her heart rate quicken. They finally arrived, and both were quiet from nervousness. It was a restaurant shaped like a boat, with a statue of a big, red fish out front. The building was covered in colorful Christmas lights for the holidays, and even the red fish was wearing a Santa hat. Japan giggled, pointing at it. South grinned, then took her by the hand, leading her inside.

The place was called The Boardwalk, and it was a seafood dinner theater. Japan loved seafood, and she couldn't wait to see the menu. A large stage covered by a velvet red curtain sat at the back, and dozens of nautical decorations and paintings decorated the walls. Glass oil lamps sat on each of the tables, the candles inside flickering. The white tablecloths were ironed to perfection. A navy-blue carpet coated the floor, and the smell of cooked food lingered in the air. Japan instantly fell in love with the place, understanding why South loved it so much. She zoned out as he told the waitress about their reservations, still looking around as they took a seat in the middle of the restaurant. "The best view," he said with a smug look. The menu had little anchors on it, and Japan scanned it excitedly. When the waitress came back around, they ordered their drinks (water with lemon for Japan, a simple cola for South). "The show starts soon," South commented. "What's it about?" "Anything, really. You'd think it would be about the ocean or something like that, but nope." Japan felt a smile bloom on her face. The waitress came back with their drinks, and they finally ordered their meal. 

It came out quicker than expected, and Japan happily ate the flounder she received, and South quietly ate his salmon. "Now that everyone's served..." South said, glancing around. The tables were filled with people, each chattering away. "The show can begin." As if on cue, the lights dimmed, and an unknown country came onto the stage, microphone in hand. "Greetings, everyone!" he boomed. "I'm Ireland, and I'll be your host for tonight." Ireland babbled on, thanking important people and crediting the scriptwriter and actors for the show. "And now...let's begin!" He jogged off stage, keeping a firm grip on his paperboy cap as he did so. The lights were tuned off for real now, and the red curtain opened. The stage lights activated, showing a scene with a boat at a harbor. Japan slowly turned to South Korea, whose mouth was gaping open in surprise. "I thought you said the show wasn't about the ocean." "I-I lied," South chuckled. 

Japan was surprised to see a few countries from school, including Germany and Norway. It was a comedy sketch about why the boat wouldn't work, and the scenes switched from the dock to a house, and back again. Japan didn't really understand it, but clapped along with everyone else. At intermission, dessert was served. Japan got a lemon cheesecake, and South got a slice of key lime pie. It went well with the savory taste of the seafood, and Japan was happily full. When the show began again, she saw South glancing at her lovingly out of the corner of her eye. She thought it was nice, and pretended not to notice. The audience clapped heartily after the show ended, each actor taking a deep bow. As they were attempting to tip their waitress, a familiar country ran up to them. "Hey, lovebirds!" America crowed. "How's your date coming along?" Both of their faces went red, and America laughed. "Good, it looks like!" he smirked. "America! Why are you here?" South hissed through his teeth. "Just came for the show," America said, putting an arm on the table and leaning against it. The table rocked beneath his weight, and he reflexively removed his hand back. The dishes rattled. "Just...I'll talk to you later." South whispered. "Okay. You two have fun now. And remember: 'Leave room for Jesus!'" America winked, laughing loudly as he left. "What's his problem?" Japan asked, shouldering her purse."he's probably drunk," South replied, following her outside. 

South checked his watch when they got back into the car. "Huh. It ended up alder than expected," he commented. "What time did your brother say you had to be back?" "10:00." South started the engine, checking his mirrors. "Wanna come back to my house? We could watch a movie." Japan felt her heart flutter yet again. "Sure!" She beamed, fastening her seatbelt. South repeated the motion, then eased out of the parking lot. "That show didn't make much sense to me," Japan said, looking out the window at the blurry Christmas light around them. "Me neither. But it was...poetic, in a sense." Japan giggled at this, and he joined her. Soon, they had pulled into South's driveway, and he parked the car in the little shelter beside the house. "We can go around back and sneak into my room. Just be super quiet, okay?" Japan nodded, then followed him to the back of the house. 

A set of wooden stairs led to a balcony, which Japan assumed connected to South's bedroom. He took out his keys, hastily climbing the stairs. He unlocked the door and slowly turned the knob, cringing at the sound of the keys jingling in the lock. The room Japan stepped into was pastel blue. Posters of famous singers and actors covered the walls, and a large gaming setup sat on a desk. A white shaggy rug covered most of the dark hardwood floor. LED light strips illuminated the room in a soft white glow. The bed had a white wooden frame and was covered in a large downy comforter. A desk sat in the corner, covered in paper and books. South tossed his keys and wallet in a nearby chair. He removed his shoes, revealing red and blue mismatched socks, then sat on his bed. " can sit wherever you want." He said, a twinge of nervousness in his voice. Japan took her shoes off as well, arranging them neatly. Grinning widely, she took a seat beside South, whose face was growing redder by the minute.

She took his hand in hers. "I love know that, right?" South grinned. "Of course." And with that, he put his arm around her, and they sat like that for a while, talking in hushed whispers to avoid catching the attention of the people downstairs. Japan checked her phone, noticing several missed calls from Taiwan. The time read 10:11 PM, and Japan hopped up, panicky. "I gotta go. I'll call you tomorrow!" "Bye!" South yelled after her. Japan hopped into her car and sped home, unaware of how her brother would react.


hiiiiii I sped-ran this chapter and I don't have time to check for spelling & grammar like I normally do—sorry about that.

have a great day! :D

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