Chapter 14

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Heyyyy guys! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope all of you are ready for a brand-new chapter. I got a new wireless keyboard and I am writing this chapter on my iPad, so that's why the intro isn't in lowercase as usual. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter that will bring some "new" events into the plot!


Japan was still nursing her lip and nose when she heard the front door open and the jangle of keys. They're home early! She tossed the washcloth she'd been using to clean her face with into the laundry basket, being quick to cover it up with other clothing. To cover her tracks, she ran into the bathroom and ran some water to wash her hands. She applied some darker lipstick to cover up the split of her lips, wiped her nose one last time, then went downstairs. To her surprise, it was Mongolia instead of Taiwan who had arrived. "Hey," he said, a slight huff to his voice. He was angrily attempting to sort out papers from his work bag, throwing them onto the counter. "Did...did something happen at work?" Japan asked timidly. "Just customers being—" Mongolia glanced up and held his tongue. He looked around before changing the subject.  "What happened to you?" He gestured to her clothes. Noooo... Japan slowly looked down. Her once crisp and clean sweater was stained with freshly-dried rivulets of red. "Female problems," she said with a joking wink. Mongolia gave a sly grin. "Taiwan won't believe that. You need to come up with a better lie." Japan sheepishly looked away and nodded, the stinging sensation in her lips hurting more in guilt now than pain. 

Japan speedily ran up the stairs and gave a record-breaking quick change, then ran back down to grab a water. The memory coursed through her mind, and words echoed off the sides of her head. Even the blackberry-flavored water she was now drinking couldn't bring her back into focus. Mongolia had brought out his laptop and was now click-clacking away. Several minutes went by, passing more like hours. Japan finished her water and sulked in her bedroom, feeling guilty and shameful. Taiwan came home later than he intended from the party, bringing up the excuse of drinking a little too much. Her phone buzzed, and Japan looked to see it was a text from Mongolia.

>mon: I told Tai you weren't feeling well. I'll be asking questions later ;)

>sakura16: okay :)

She smiled to herself and put in her earbuds. She chose a song that she assumed South Korea would listen to, naming its color. Not even five minutes went by when her ringtone went off. She sat up and took the call. "Uh...hello?" "JAPAN!" Came the yell from the other line. She held the device away from her ear for a second, then spoke again. "What's up, Canada?" "I desperately need to talk to you. I sent America over to pick you up." "You did what?" "I'll explain later. See ya soon." The line went dead, and Japan saw her surprised reflection on the phone screen. Soon, a series of loud, rapid taps began reverberating through the room. At the window, lo and behold, was America. His sunglasses were clipped to his shirt. Japan jumped up from her bed and grabbed her emergency purse and cautiously opened the window. 

"Canada...he's a wreck. We gotta go." Japan nodded, casting a look over her room. As a poorly-thought-of idea, she barricaded the door with a chair and then followed America out the window and onto the balcony porch. The black truck below them was running, steam accumulating in the chilly night air. Japan hopped into the passenger seat and barely got her seatbelt on when America stomped the gas and they were suddenly speeding along. "What's going on?" She asked, nervousness tainting her voice. "Canada...well, he wants to explain it to you." He was going well over he speed limit, taking curves in the road too sharply. After a long and nerve-ending car ride, they arrived at the sibling's home. The Christmas lights adorning it were turned off, a bad sign. America gestured for her to follow, then led her up two flights of stairs to what she assumed was Canada's room by the hockey-stick doorplate. 

The room was very dark, and Japan could barely see in front of her. "You can stop being emo now, Canada," America teased, the corners of his mouth drawing up into a tiny smirk. "She's here." There was a loud rustling, then a lamp was turned on. Canada looked scared and relieved at the same time. He had obviously been lying in his bed before they arrived, and he wasn't wearing a hat for once. "Thank goodness you're here," he said in a raspy tone. "Ukraine's gone." Red-hot panic began coursing throughout Japan's body. "Ukraine?" She asked, licking her split lips. "Gone," Canada nodded. He began to pace. "She won't respond to any of my texts and Belarus and Bulgaria haven't seen her in a while. Have you?" He stopped his movements and stared into her eyes. "Not since a few days ago," she replied. She stared right back at him, trying to keep her nervous breathing to a minimum. "She might've gone somewhere to get away from her father," Yes! That was a good save, she thought triumphantly. America was grinning widely. "See? I told you. You've got nothing to worry about." "...yeah. You're right." America leaned forward and put a hand to his ear. "Can you repeat that for me one more time? I didn't hear you correctly." "I said: you're ri—HEY!" He snatched up a notebook of some sort and threw it at his younger brother. America dodged it, laughing hard. Japan couldn't help but laugh, too. 

"I gotta get home," Japan stated. She looked her phone. "Taiwan will kill me." "See ya!' America yelled. "Bye. If you hear anything from her, please let me know!" Canada smiled. It was weak. "Okay. Bye!" She crept back downstairs in the darkened house, realizing the sibling's parents were still out of town. It was only when she stepped into the bitter night air when she realized that she didn't have a way to get home. Feeling too embarrassed to go back into the house, she sent both Canada and America a text asking to be driven home. Canada responded within seconds, and was outside cranking his nice-looking car in only minutes. "Hop in," he said with a gentle smile. Instead of his usual hat made from fur, he wore a black beanie. A thick flannel jacket blanketed him in dark red. 

Japan climbed into the seat, feeling the blissful heat radiating throughout the vehicle. Then, they were off. Japan checked her social media, and the silence grew crushingly loud. "What's wrong? You're not usually this quiet." She asked, turning off her phone. Canada kept his eyes on the road, but they widened. "I just...miss Ukraine, you know? We used to be together." Japan thought a minute. "Did something cause you two to break up?" She knew it was a bad question to ask. "I...I don't really wanna talk about it." They were quiet for while, then a crucial thought crossed her mind. "How do you know where my house is?" She asked, turning her head to get a good look at his reaction. Canada tightened his grip on the wheel, the tremors in his hands making the car swerve the slightest bit. 

"A-America." "Maybe you did; maybe you didn't." "Alright, fine. There's something I've been needing to tell you." He sounded a little annoyed. He pulled the car over when they reached a rural road. It was so quiet you could hear the crickets chirping away outside. "So...uh....I have...really liked you for quite a while now." He said quietly. He was blushing, and Japan could tell even in the dark. Stunned, she only blinked. "The coffee!" Japan realized, snapping her fingers. "Was that a bribery attempt?" "I wouldn't phrase it that way. More express my interest in you." "But...South K—" "I know." He sighed, holding up his hand to cut her off. "America told me that I should stick with Ukraine because I'd be a lot happier. He's right, you know. South's a good match for you, anyway." Japan didn't know what to say, so she just gave a hesitant nod. He turned the key in the ignition. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just had to get it off my chest." "It's okay. I understand. I'm still curious about how you know my home address." "I'm telling you, it was America." They drove the rest of the way there in silence. "Thanks for taking me back. See ya." Japan said as she got her things together. "No problem. Bye." He slowly backed out from the driveway, then sped away. Japan kept quiet as she climbed back into her room from the balcony, then crawled under the blankets, too tired to care.


Hi again! :D 

Sorry for my "once in a hundred years" uploading schedule. I just started a new semester with new classes and I'm already starting on homework and projects :(

BUT, I have exciting news: I'm asking out the girl of my dreams this weekend! It'll be my first time asking out (and hopefully dating) a person of the same gender. Wish me luck <3

Anyway, hope you all got off to a great start this 2023 season! 

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