Chapter 63 (Part 2)

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Chapter 63 

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Chapter 63 


Seconds later, Tanner clears his throat loudly, signaling for the two of us to break apart long before either of us want to.

"Alright, lovebirds, let's keep it PG for the kids. This is a public beach, you know?"

"Since when do you care about PDA? Let them have their moment, Tanner. Today's their day," Caleigh says, and her words deflate Tanner.

"Roger that. I'll go set up the grill and swear off speaking for the rest of the afternoon."

"Sounds like a plan."

Caleigh shoots Elias and I a salute before shooing off Tanner in the direction of the BBQ set up.

Once the both of them are at a distance, Elias sets me down slowly, but refuses to take his eyes off mine.There's a sudden seriousness in gaze that both unsettles and excites me as he leans in close enough to keep Tanner from hearing whatever it is he's about to say.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"About what?"

"About keeping things PG? If you think that's as lame as I do, just say the word and I'll drive you somewhere my brother won't bother us."

My face flushes at the suggestion and my reaction. Before, I would've shot down the idea or found a way to avoid talking about any and all things physical. But now, I want things with him I didn't before. I just don't know if I can bring myself to say those things out loud.

"I---we should--"

"We should go? For real?"

Elias's eyebrows just about skyrocket off of his face.

"No, I meant we should stay, and eat. This is so beautiful, and you did such an amazing job planning all this for me, and Tanner and Caleigh are here so--I'd feel bad if we left early." If it's possible for a sixteen-year-old boy to frown like he's ten years younger, Elias pulls it off without a hitch.

"Yeah, totally. Sorry, I don't even know why I asked you that. It was out of line--"

"It wasn't. The thing is, just because I said not right now, doesn't mean we can't drive somewhere later and---"

I run out of words. Completely. But Elias doesn't miss a beat. He takes my chin between his fingers and plants a runaway kiss on lips before he speaks.

"I'm all yours, Lacey. Whenever and wherever you want. Just say the word."

I wish I could.

"I want to. But today's just not--"

"The right time."

"I mean, I don't know. Should it be? Do you want it to be? I don't know what the right time's supposed to feel like."

My voice comes out so much smaller than I want it to.

Elias takes my hands in his and places my palm in the center of his chest.

"You feel that?"

His heart's beating slow and easy underneath my fingers.


"That's what's it's supposed to feel like. Steady, sure."

He reaches over and flattens his palm just above my heart and it completely loses control.

"It sounds like The Foo Fighters are playing in there," I say.

Elias lets out a whisper of a laugh.

"It does. But that's okay. Just wait until it's steady. Then you'll know it's the right time for us, okay?"

He winks at me and the electricity running my nerves ragged finally disappears.


I owe him more of explanation. More than a shy okay that barely scratches the surface of how I'm feeling. But I can't bring myself to speak. I'm overwhelmed by everything that he is and everything that he's done. So I my let my gratitude spill out into every single good moment we share throughout the afternoon.

I spend the next few hours living what feels like someone else's life.

I eat lunch made by one of my favorite people, and sit surrounded by three others who I couldn't see myself living without.

I watch my boyfriend burst into tears over his mom's home-cooked desserts and refuse to share them with anyone else but me.

I play in the waves until my skin is soggy and dusted with ocean salt.

I beat Tanner in a game of ultimate frisbee on my first time playing.

I find a second family in Caleigh and Tanner's company.

I find comfort in Elias's arms.

And I finally come to understand, that catching up with happiness, as elusive as it's been, was as simple as believing I could.


Thank you guys so much for waiting! The holidays are crazy and I am swamped with back to back film editing projects at the moment so I've been MIA. But I will have another update for you tomorrow since this one was so short. I've having to break-up word count's strangely because of the new requirements I have but I'll have another one for you tomorrow evening!


1. What's your happiest memory of late (either with friends, family, or a significant other)?

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