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Elsa Arendelle

Angelique Petrova has invited me to a cosplay party in her apartment, there wild be a huge crowd there. Because Angelique is basically friends with everyone at Magika.

I'm going but she says 'cosplay' so it isn't just a regular costume party you have to get really into it.

"I haven't what I'll go as." I tell Vi.

"A princess?" She suggests.

"No waay." I respond.

"How about The Snow Queen? It would suit you. You already have pale skin, blue eyes and platinum blonde hair." She says.

"Huh. You're right. I guess I'll go as that. How about you?" I ask her.

"I'm not going. Parties aren't my scene." She answers.

"I figured. Hey I wonder if Jackson is going."

"Even more of a reason not to go." She mutters.

"I need to go with someone. And obviously it won't be Jackson because he'd be all 'too cool'." I say, "I guess I'll go with Eugene."

I go and find Eugene and knock on his door and he answers with that smug smile he always has printed on his face.

"You going to Petrova's party?" I ask.

"Yup. Why?" He asks.

"Well it's established we are going together. And um what are you going as?" I ask him.

"Flynn Rider! One of the most greatest legends!" He says dramatically.

I say in an unemotional voice, "Never heard of him."

"Seriously? You've been living under a rock. Anyway so then ... it's a date." He says.

"No no no. You've misunderstood me. We're just going together." I tell him.

"Well the way you worded it sounded like you were into me." He says.

"You know what? Shut up. Every time you open that mouth of yours makes me want to pull out my hair." I tell him straight up, frustrated.

"Good luck going alone." He tells me and maliciously smiles. He slams the door right in my face.

Alone it is then.

I go online shopping for a costume. I buy new makeup and look at pictures.

It's Saturday night, I take a cab to the apartment. I have fairy looking  makeup but in shades of blue and a dazzling snow queen dress.

I went in the apartment and it was full. Full of bright costumes and people.

I walk around trying to find someone that I'm at least acquaintances with. Then some jerk dressed as Kaneki pushes me into someone and shouts, "You two make the perfect couple!"

I turn around to see Jackson? Why does he always suprise me.

He's dressed up as Jack Frost, seems like he had no effort at all. His original name was Jack Frost he's already pale with white hair. He had his regular brown jeans and blue hoodie. All he added was frost on his clothes and a staff. If I didn't know him he'd look like a serious cosplayer.

"Didn't expect you to be here." I tell him.

"I was hoping you didn't come." He replies.

"Why'd you come here?" I ask him ignoring his insult.

"I was bored." He answers.

It's so weird to think that Jackson use to love parties so much and held one everyday. He'd want to go because he'd want to have fun. He only came because 'he was bored'.

"Well if you were bored you can do other things than to go to this party." I say.

"I just wanted to go. Respect that." He says abd leaves me.

But I grabbed his sleeve. He looks shocked.

"Don't leave. Let me come with you." I say.

He jerks my hand off, "Go find Eugene instead." He tells me and leaves.

Eugene? What does he have to do with this?

I go to the bar, where all the loners sit. And I keep drinking alcohol.

I finally get on the dance floor but everything is so blurry and I pass out.

I wake up in a bed. A bed that isn't mine.

I get up and I see Jackson come in.
"Oh my gos- did we ...?" I say confused.

Jackson laughs wryly, "Don't be an idiot."

"Where am I?" I ask him.

"My home." He answers.

"Why couldn't you just take me to my bed?" I ask him.

"You were too heavy." He jokes and I get a pillow and throw it at his face.

I look down at myself I am wearing different clothes. Mens wear.

"Where's my clothes? And how did I get into these clothes?" I ask.

Jackson looks away but I could see a hint of pink growing on his cheeks. "It doesn't matter how, you just had vomit on your clothes." He says to me still looking away and he exits the room.

What the hell is wrong with him?

I still feel sick. And I don't want to go back, I guess I have to be taken care of by Nurse Overland.

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