Set Up

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Everybody was here. People that James didn't know but I knew and Jackson knew.

"What's ... going on?" I ask everyone.

They all point to Anna and James and they both give their cheekiest smiles. I glare at both of them.

"I know this is my special day! But I dedicate it to Elsa and Jack!" James announces, "They are a couple!"

I hear gasps around the room, and some cross their arms or smile like they knew it all along.

"You gathered them all here for this?" I ask him.

"PARTYYYY!" Anna shouts and everyone start chatting and the whole place gets crowded. And I find myself in front of the Ex Fearsomes.

They all have the same style or look but have they changed their ways of domination?

This was super awkward I kept moving about.

"So you're with Jackson now ..." Mavis says in a descending voice. I nod.

"Congrats. Never thought you'd end up with him." She says and I force a smile.

Pitch laughs, "If we didn't send you on the mission to wreck him, you would of never have been acquainted with him at all."

"I guess." I respond, "But I think we would still have found our way to each other, since he had his own intentions that involved me."

"Heh. Whatever. I came here for the food and drinks that his brother promised. But congratulations, I guess." Hans says.

They haven't changed.

"Just so you know, this caught us by suprise so I didn't know anything about this. So you can leave if you want." I tell them.

"You're not getting rid of us that easily. And if we didn't want to go we wouldn't of have come." Mavis says.

"Heh. That's a bit rude." Pitch mutters.

"Sorry then. Excuse me." I tell them and leave their sight, I don't mind them coming.

They have matured. People change a lot for the better, people adapt.

I think of maturing as upgrading yourself without losing the parts that make you.

I find Anna and I hit her on the shoulder, "Why are you doing this?!"

"Well people that was involved in your life should know." Anna tells me, "There is no harm, right?"

"I guess. But I am going to get you back." I say and laugh evilly.

"Yupp! I am aware of that!" She says to me with a cheery voice and starts dancing to the music.

I never wanted a party. It was hard for me to process this myself yet I jump into this social setting.

I am not going to jump into water if I can't swim yet.

I sneak outside through the swarms of people.
I finally make it outside and I take a deep cleansing breath.

"Oh, you're here."

I turn around, of course, it's Jackson. It always is.

"I am." I respond and I smile.

Jackson Overland

"I am." She responds and she smiles and the sunset sun gleams onto her. Physically showing her radiance.

"You know, my memories were painful. Every time I looked beyond the accident, instead of happiness it made me suffer. When I saw you for the first time. I hurt. I never wanted to see you. But once you started hanging around me for a while, rather I felt at ease. Because I finally made memories after the accident. I finally recovered my broken memories. Finally. I made new ones that I can smile to. It was never my intention to make memories, as they could they could easily be ruined. But as long as you're alive, my memories can never be reckoned with." I confess to her.

Elsa looks at me in a serious face and she walks up to me and she caresses my cheek, "No! As long as you are alive, your memories won't even have a scratch! Protect all your precious memories for me, okay? Promise me!"

I look at her with longing eyes I carefully take her hand off of my cheek and hold her hand tightly. And I wrap my pinky around hers and look her in the eye and say, "Pinky."

Elsa makes our grip with our pinky's tighter, like she's serious.

I remove my pinky and interlock fingers with her.

"Even when I'm not around-" She says.

"You will be. You're my girlfriend. You always have to be around for me and I'll always be around with you." I suddenly interrupt her.

Elsa sighs then looks up at me and smiles, always with the same radiance.

She so beautiful.

I wrap my arms tightly around her embracing her and feeling her warmth. Elsa sneaks her small arms around me, her head leaning on my chest.

Elsa wasn't at the light at the end of the tunnel.

She was the light.

Hello guys!! Many of ya'll have been asking me questions about making jelsa fanfics and I am quite flattered!!

So if you are planning on making one and you are wanting to ask me advice, please feel free in the comments so you won't be the only one recieving advice.

Or if you are uncomfortable in asking on the comments and you have more private questions ask me on the inbox :)

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