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ooo, daydreamin. ・:*+.

"wondering if i dodged a bullet,
or just lost the love of my life?"
— i dont wanna live forever, taylor swift

tw: violence

tw: violence

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pretty girls only gc

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pretty girls only gc

can you guys come over

yes omw

im going

both noemi and nailea had keys to yasmin's apartment in case of emergency's, they both hurried to her floor as they knew what was coming

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both noemi and nailea had keys to yasmin's apartment in case of emergency's, they both hurried to her floor as they knew what was coming.

yasmin and romero were fully over now.

romero has found the stack of pictures and letters from diego, diego lainez. the same person who he thought was his biggest competition, he had found certain letters from yasmin from a months ago writing to diego's old address. hoping he would respond. yasmin had tried to explain herself but romeros anger had completely blinded him.

which caused him to rip letters and pictures and if that wasn't enough it led him to resulting in violence.

"you made me this way, yasmin." romero puts his finger in her face.

the tear-eyed girl stood still as her lips were trembling,
"i never want to see you here again, leave and don't come back. you've ruined me romero." his face had suddenly soften, he reaches and puts his head on yasmin's shoulder.
she should still in silence as tears fell out of her eyes.

"i'm sorry." romero says as he slowly pulls away.

it stayed silence of a couple of minutes as they examined each others face.

"i want you to leave." yasmin says.

he nods without hesitation, he walks to the door as yasmin stays in the same place, and once the door closed she immediately breaks down.

all she could think about right now was diego, her hand clutches her shell necklace that seemed to fall onto the floor. it was still perfect condition.

'i thought you'd be here by now, diego.' his name repeats her mind as she finally realizes who she needed to text.

noemi and nailea came over as they comforted yasmin who was still in complete shock

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noemi and nailea came over as they comforted yasmin who was still in complete shock.

nailea was helping clean up the ripped papers as noemi was helping yasmin get her in a straight mind. noemi was trying to a to get yasmin's mind off of the situation the best she could.

"there's going to be soccer game in a couple days, we could go and have a girls day?" noemi says as she strokes the brunette haired girl and at the same time nailea had finished, she went to go sit on the bed next to the two girls.

"we could get the cutest outfits" nailea shrieks as she makes yasmin smile.

"i think i'd like that." yasmin lightly smiles.

a/n! next chapter will be happy i promise

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next chapter will be happy
i promise

daydreamin,      (     diego lainez.    ) Where stories live. Discover now