༻𓊈𒆜A Little Chat 1𒆜𓊉༺

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"YO! I'M HOME!" Dream yelled, throwing lumber on the living room floor. His pants drenched in water.

"Dream? What took you so fuckin' long? Did you bring dinner?!" Sapnap rang, running into the living room like a little kid on Christmas day.

"Oh, it's just wood." he'd groan, flopping onto the the couch. Dream rolled his eyes, practically ripping off his cloak and throwing it onto the floor.

"Why're you fuckin' wet?" Sapnap raised an eyebrow, sitting up vaguely.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Dream groaned, stripping off his fingerless gloves and satchels.

"Oh? Did big man dream fall in a river?~" Sapnap teased, snickering. Dream, who's absolutely annoyed already, takes off a sock and throws it at the charcoal haired demon. Sapnap instantly recoiled and made a face, crossing his arms.

"No, I didn't fall into a river. I saw a guy fall in some creek near Manburg." He'd correct, trying to picture the fox in his head. The picture hazy in his mind, as if he didn't see the boy an hour ago.

"Some guy?" Sapnap perked up, his ears flickered.

"Uh- yeah? I had to pick him up n' give him CPR." Dream added.

"Ooh~ looks like george has some competition!" Sapnap laughed.

"Whatever.." Dream sighed, plopping himself next to sapnap. He'd nudge dream, giving him a look.

"Soo.. What'd he look like?" Sapnap asked, absolutely prying into dream and his personal life.

"He was a ginger?" Dream shrugged.

"Like Ed Sheeran ginger?!" Sapnap questioned, jumping out of his seat.

"No! More of a cute ginger I think-?" Dream made a face.

"We'll ask Bad! He knows everyone on the server!" Sapnap Suggested.

"I don't know Pandas- the guy seemed to fucking hate me or something." He'd sigh, rubbing his neck.

"What? You just met the guy!" Sapnap Huffed.

"I know! When I lifted my mask he gave me this- this look."

"Daamn- he thought you were THAT ugly" Sapnap snickered.

"Shut up-" Dream would begin before getting rudely interrupted by a door slamming open.

"WE'RE HOME!" A brunette yells, pushing his glasses up to his head. another brunette quietly walks behind him, a third brunette riding on his shoulders.

"Hey George! Dream and I were talking about some mystory gu-" Sapnap yelled, before being brutally interrupted by Dream.

"Ahem. Sapnap and I were talking about a mysterious uh- GUN-?" He'd butt in, standing up to greet the three.

"Gun?" George raised an eyebrow, staring back at them.

"Sounds like bullshitt~" Skeppy sang, teasingly. he'd lean on Bads head to look closer at the still drenched dirty blonde.

"Fuck off Skep-" Dream retorted.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad huffed, putting the Dark skinned boy down.

George, reluctantly, left to the chest room to put away what the three gathered outside. He knew they were hiding something it's terribly obvious, though he was too weary to snoop.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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