7: Nova

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7: Nova

EVERY DAY that I don't see Sven is pure torture at this point.

Your brain gets so used to a person, spending time with them, the way they talk and behave, and then one day you have to get used to not seeing them that much.

It's not like we don't talk anymore or don't see each other.

He just decided to go to his home town for a while and visit old friends and memories. So I've been all alone in the city, with only Flora to keep me company. She's still spending a lot of time with her boyfriend though. Mostly it's just me, a TV show or homework.

A lot of my day is also filled with annoying Sven over the phone. Since he's doing some design work over there as well I feel that it's only my duty to call him as much as possible and share any thoughts I might have.

Yesterday I suggested that he should put a pig statue in a bedroom.

He wasn't amused by that idea.

So clearly he doesn't have as much taste as I thought.

"When are you coming back?" I ask Sven over the phone.

"Tuesday, I think." He replies. "Or Wednesday, I'm not sure yet."

I sigh, "That's such a long time from now though."

Sven laughs. "Nova, it's Saturday today. Only a few more days."

"Yeah and that's a few days too many," I whine.

"If you miss me that much you can always call my friends, they're almost as awesome as me so they will give you the same kind of vibe."

Hanging out with Sven's friends by myself? That sounds kind of scary. Sure, I've met them all and have spent time with them, but mostly in a group setting. I haven't gotten to know them that personally yet.

"Wouldn't that be weird?" I ask him.

Sven chuckles, "Not at all! Rosen is super chill and Hazel is super sweet as well. Didn't you see how much she liked you when we first hanged out?"

"Well, yeah, that's true."

"So you have nothing to worry about. I'll give you Rosen's phone number and you can hang out with them. How does that sound?"

"Alright, I'm down for that!"


A few hours later I was all ready to go hang out with Rosen and Hazel. I contacted them earlier and apparently they aren't doing anything tonight so they were more than happy to invite me over for a few drinks and we can just hang and get to know each other. I'm always happy to get to know Sven's friends as well.

Once I arrive at their apartment I do feel kind of nervous.

I guess it's the whole thought of hanging with them when Sven's isn't there. If I don't know what to talk about it's not like Sven can help me out and continue to conversation somehow.

"Hey!" Rosen immediately greets me once I arrive. "Come in. We just ordered some Chinese food and there are some beers in the fridge if you want one."

"Yeah, that sounds nice," I reply as I take my jacket off and place it on the coatrack next to the door. I notice Hazel sitting on the couch, browsing something on the TV. "Hey, Hazel!" I greet her.

In return she just looks at me and I swear it almost seems like she rolled her eyes at me, but I try to push that aside and reassure myself that it's not like that.

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