3: Sven

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Thru These Tears • LANY

3: Sven

On Friday, September 8th, Saskia finally came back home. She had spent the last three weeks spending time in Europe before school officially started on Monday. Can't say I wasn't jealous because let's face it, we would all like to travel around Europe.

Hazel was probably most excited about her best-friend returning home. Since college started the two of them have basically become inseparable. Probably because Serenity didn't get into NYU like she planned and went to school on the West coast instead. Therefore seeing her isn't really possible, plus the time difference makes it fairly hard for them to organize FaceTime calls or anything of that sort.

The two girls giggled and started gossiping the second they walked through the apartment door. Now that Saskia is back as well, this place will sure get wild again. Saskia was probably the wildest of us four. She liked to blast music, drink in the middle of the day, dance around in her underwear and have guys over a lot.

I didn't really care about stuff like that, as long as she respected the rest of us. Which she did. She never had people over after midnight and made sure to tone down her personal one-person parties when the rest of us wanted to go to sleep.

Taking a break from the game Rosen and I were playing, I looked up at Saskia. She had gotten tanner, her blonde hair lighter. Her skin was glowing. My eyes roamed over her long legs, dirty thoughts clouding my head for a second. When I looked up at Saskia's face, she grinned at me, giving me a wink.

Although I told Rosen that I'm over the whole meaningless sex phase, the truth is that Saskia and I have been secretly hooking up a lot over the past few months. It started off as a drunken one-night-stand, but that kind of turned into us being friends with benefits. Neither of us really make a big deal about it. We're just attracted to each other sexually and that's as far as that goes.

"You have to tell me everything that happened in Europe!" Hazel gushed as Saskia set her gigantic suitcase next to the door. "Were there hot guys? Any dirty details? How was Europe? Was it everything you ever dreamed of?"

Saskia grinned, removing her sunglasses from her face and setting them on the kitchen counter. "I don't kiss and tell," she replied, a mischievous tone to her voice.

Hazel gasped. "You dirty slut."

"All jokes aside, I met this handsome guy." Saskia finally admitted as she pulled her long locks into a messy bun on the top of her head. "We met while I was in Mykonos and we had a few dinners together and enjoyed the gorgeous views as we sipped on some rosé and canoodled."

That sentence even made Rosen look up from his phone as he suppressed a laugh threatening to escape his body. I burst out laughing. "Who even uses that word?"

Saskia stuck her tongue at me. "Don't be jealous, Sven."

"Honey, I'm not jealous."

"You two shut up," Hazel dismissed me with her hand. "I want to know more details about this guy. Tell me everything. Where's he from? How old is he? What's his name? What does he do? Is he handsome?"

Only girls could talk about so many details. For guys I'd be like 'Was she hot?' and that would pretty much end the conversation.

"Oh my God, yes! Please tell me everything." I chimed into the conversation as I rested my elbows on my knees and chin on the palms of my hands. Both girls snapped their heads towards me when they heard that. "I wanna know all the juicy details, girly."

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