8: Nova

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8: Nova

IT'S BEEN THREE days since I last spoke to Sven.

After spending time with Hazel and Rosen, Sven got all quiet and hasn't really been in contact with me. I have sent him a few text messages, but none of them have received a response. It almost feels like he's ignoring me for some reason.

Which is why I've decided that the best way to respond to this is by ignoring him. If he ever decides to contact me again of course. Two can play at this game and if he wants to ignore me for whatever reason then I'll ignore him for twice as long, just to be petty and make a statement.

Flora told me that it's an idiotic plan.

That Sven might be put off by the childish behavior and never talk to me again.

Deep down I hope that she's wrong. I'm not ready to part ways with him yet. I feel like he has an important part to play in my adulthood. I just must figure out what it is exactly.

I sigh for the hundredth time when a notification that appears on my phone isn't from Sven. Flora turns her attention to me from the kitchen.

"You know, you can always just call or text him. Isn't that what you did before?"

"Well yeah," I reply. I pull my hair into a mess on my head and secure it with a hairclip that's laying on the coffee table in front of me. "I kind of want to see if he'll put an effort into this potential thing as well. I don't wanna be the only one initiating everything."

Flora looks deep in thought for a second and purses her lips, "Why don't you just straight up ask him if he's interested in you or not?"

I laugh at her suggestion. "Do I look like I'm brave enough for that?"

"Yeah?" she states, but it sounds more like a question coming from her mouth. "Look, you're probably the most confident girl I've ever met and so far, Sven seems to be into you as well so you've got nothing to lose."

"What if there's no spark or chemistry between us?"

"Weren't you two eye-fucking each other when he was over a while back? The time you tried to seduce him with your silk dress?"

I chuckle at the memory. I remember him being quite frustrated indeed.

"Yeah, but he didn't do anything then either. He just said that we can't and he's not like that anymore."

Flora rolls her eyes, "Oh, so he's done being a guy?" She scoffs at that. "Yeah right. Just kiss him and see if he's interested or not. I doubt he would pull away."

"If he does, you're the one who's gonna mend my broken heart."

Flora smiles at me. "I'll get one of Chase's friends to sleep with you, so you won't be frustrated."

My mouth falls open at the bold suggestion. I grab one of the pillows from the couch and toss it at her direction, the pillow missing her completely.

Flora's laugh echoes through the apartment as I go to get changed.


My heart is beating so hard in my chest I think I can hear it in my brain at this point.

I have a very simple plan. Since Sven is ignoring my texts, I'll just go to him and see what's wrong. I might suggest that he isn't interested in me or try to make a move of some kind and if that backfires, then I guess I'll save myself from wasting any more time.

And if it doesn't backfire then that's only a good thing. Things might pick up and get spicier if I do find out that he's interested in me as much as I'm interested in him. He seems like he's one of those guys who's all nice and happy when you first meet him, but then you discover that he's a total freak in the sheets and will do some crazy things to make you feel good.

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