Chapter 8

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Over three months had passed since the incident with the weeds but Connor and I still don't really remember what happened. I had asked Connor not to mention it to Papa, I didn't want to get into trouble but there was a moment a few days later when Papa had asked Connor why he had been running around the Homestead screaming something about a creepy monkey. Connor had shrugged and said he didn't know what he was talking about.

We were making our way down to the docks where the finished Aquila stood, proud. When we reached her Mr. Faulkner called down to us. "Come abourd and feast our eyes, boy." He smiled at me. "And lass."
Connor made to board her when Mr. Faulkner stopped him. "No, no, no, not left foot, never the left foot. Horrible luck. Step with your right foot first."
"Yeah Cretino." I said, smacking him upside the head before making my way aboard the Aquila, stepping with my right foot first, Connor did the same.
Connor examined her a little before turning to Mr. Faulkner. "She is.....solid."
"Aye, weatherly and sleak. She'll fetch 12 knots in a stiff gale ne'er a ship from here to Singapore can out run her, on her best day. What'dya say to her out and show you what she can do first hand."
"Where would we go?" Connor asked.
"And what about Papa? He needs to know where we are going." I added.
"As it happens she still needs guns and officers to command them. We'll launch straight away. Don't worry lad, I'll make sure you sprout good sea legs. I'll tell one of my men to tell your father." Mr. Faulkner said before walk to the upper deck, shouting at his men to get moving.
We been out at sea for a few days know but I spent most of my time either begging Mr. Faulkner if I could steer the Aquila or in the crows nest.
And that's where I was early on the fourth morning when Mr. Faulkner had the brilliant idea to let Connor steer the Aquila.
Really? I had been begging him to let me but he just lets Connor.
I watched angrily as Connor made his way to the helm. Grumbling under my breath I made my way down to the deck. I was about ten feet away from the deck when the wind picked up, causing Connor to make a harsh turn throwing me from the ropes. I landed with a thud on the poop deck, rolling to lessen the impact. Cursing Connor in all the languages I knew, which is almost all of them, I limped my way over to him, glaring at him. My wound from the wolf had just finished healing now I was limping again.
When I reach the helm I punched Connor in the shoulder as hard as I could.
"Ow!" He growled, rubbing his shoulder, glaring at me.
"Do that again and I'll throw you over board." I snarled.
"I can't control the wind." Connor snapped.
"Warn me next time then, novice." I snapped back.
Mr. Faulkner called one of his men over to look at my foot, sitting down on a crate I allowed the sailer to examine my foot.
"It's just sprained, you should be fine." He said.
"You should keep weight off of it though." He said before leaving.
I leaned back watching Connor maneuver the Aquila. After he got the hang of it he wasn't so bad but he almost killed us a couple of times.
"Are we there yet!" I called.
"Almost." Mr. Faulker replayed.
It took another hour before we saw the Vineyard. It was beautiful with the cottages and fields.
When we docked Mr. Faulkner wanted me to stay on the Aquila but there was no way I was going to stay on the ship well they went ashore. But I told them that I would, once they were out of sight I snuck off the Aquila and made my way into town.
I limped around amazed at the sights around me, not paying attention to where I was going, so it didn't take long for me to become hopelessly lost. I kept on moving hoping to spot something familiar. I was walking down an ally when a man appeared in front of me.
"Hello." He said, grinning widely.
I glared at him. I was not in the mood to deal with some ass. I was tired, in pain and hungy. Pulse cranky.
"Can I help you with something?" I asked, backing up.
"Yea, you can give me your money."
"Not going to happen tokhes vishn."
He pulled his sword from it's sheath. "Last chance, sweatheart."
He rushed towards me swinging his sword, dodging out of the way I pulled out mine. Our swords clashing together. I could tell right away that this might not be a fight that I could win. If I was in peak condition, sure but not with a sprained ankle. The guy broke through my defences and knocked me to the ground, standing over me he brought his sword up, smirking. He stiffened and his smirk turned into a frown before he toppled over landed beside me. I looked at him confused, spotting a throwing knife in his back before turning my head to see a man standing in front of me. He was wearing Assassin robes only his were pour white, it was blinding.
"Go raibh maith agat." I said slowly getting up, clenching my teeth to stop a whimper when I placed weight on my sprained ankle.
"Are you all right?" He asked coming foreward. His voice was familiar but I couldn't place it.
"Yeah, just a sprained ankle. Could you tell me where the docks are?" I asked leaning against the wall.
"Why don't I take you there myself." He said, coming over to me. "Here." He placed his arm around my waist and pulled my arm over his shoulder.
"Can I asked what happened to your ankle?"
"Never climb down the riggings when a novice is sailing a ship."
"You felling from the riggings?"
"It wasn't that far but I landed wrong."
"Oh, what's your name?"
"Sahra Davenport. And yours?"
"You can call me Ezio." He smiled. "Ah, here we are."
I looked up, spotting the Aquila and the crew moving around the deck, placing the guns.
"Sahra!" Connor shouted making his way over to us. "Where have you been? If I had lost you, your father woukd have killed me."
"I'm fine, Cretino." I turned to Ezio. "Thank you again."
"It was my pleasure." He handed me to Connor before walking away.
"Who was that?" Connor asked, helping me to the Aquila.
"A friend."
Connor lead me into the captain's cabin.
"You get some rest. And if you hear cannon fire Mr. Faulkner said he wanted to test them."
"Okay." I said, snuggling into the blankets.
I woke up to the sound of cannons going off, followed by shouts of joy. It went on for about ten minutes before the Aquila started moving again and I fell asleep again. Only to be awoken by cannons a few mintues later. Groaning I glared at the ceiling. Something slammed into the side of the Aquila causing me to tumble out of the bed and landing hard on the floor. Moaning I made my way to the door, pushing it open and stepping out into the freezing rain. I stared mouth hanging open, at the frigate that was attacking us.
"What the hell did you do?!" I shouted making my way over to Connor.
"Fire!" He shouted. I looked at the frigate to see it go down into the sea. Connor grinned at me brightly, grumbling and cursing, I gave him the finger before heading back into the captain's cabin. Flopping down on the bed I feel asleep again.
I had barely left the captain's cabin during the next few days. But as soon as I realized we were home I pulled on my boots as best as I could considering that my right foot was badly swollen. I limped over to Connor who had just finished talking to Mr. Faulkner.
"Here let me help you." He said, picking me up.
"I can walk."
"Yes but I don't want your ankle to become worst."
I was quite as Connor carried me up to the manor, staring at his face. When we reached the door I insisted that Connor put me down and let me walk. Papa was standing by the door when we walked in.
"Three weeks and not even a goodbye before you left." Papa said.
"Didn't one of Mr. Faulkner's men tell you where we were going?" I asked.
"That's not the point. I don't want some sailer telling me that my daughter is going on a voyage. I wanted to hear it from you."
"Sorry." Connor and I said.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" Papa said making his way to the ceiler. Connor followed after him.
"I'll just wait here." I said sitting down at the dining table. A few minutes later Papa came back up.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said, gingerly placing my leg on the chair beside me.
I looked up when I heard Connor coming up the stairs. I stared at him, my mouth probably hanging open. He was wearing the Assassin robes and he I think I'm beginning to have feelings for the native boy.
"Once upon a time we had a ceremony on such occasions. But I don't think either of us are really the type for such thing. You have your tools and traing. Your targets and goals. And know you have you title. Welcome to the Brotherhood Connor." Papa said before leaving.
"I have something for you." I grinned, holding out a small bag. Connor slowly took it, staring at me wide eyed.
"Open it."
He slowly untied the bag before taking out what was inside. It was a necklase with the Assassin symbol and an eagle feather beside it.
"It's for luck."
"Thank you." He said putting it on.
"We are going to have some much fun." I smirked, doing an evil laugh.

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