Chapter 12

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I signed snuggling farther into the warmth of my bed, there was a steady soothing thumping sound, I was almost asleep again, only to be startled awake when an arm tightened around my waist. My eyes shot open, taking in my surroundings, I realized I was on a hard bed with someone in a small room, probably at an inn. I looked up and saw Connor opening his eyes. He smiled softly when his eyes met mine.
"Good morning." He said in a husky voice.
"Morning." I whispered.
"We should be on our way." He said but didn't get up.
"Yeah." I said, examining his face.
"I...I want to...kiss you." He said, his face reddening.
I starred at him wide eyed, not sure of what to say. My eyes flicked down to his full lips, nibbling on my lower lip I looked up at him.
"I don't know if that's a good idea, Connor." I said, getting up.
"Wait." He said, grabbing my arm. "You want me to. I can see it your eyes."
"I don't want to ruin our friendship."
"How would one kiss ruin our friendship?"
I starred into his warm brown eyes, what harm could one kiss do? I wanted to, so badly. Connor must have seen the longing in my eye because he tugged on my arm pulling me to him and brushing his lips against mine. They were soft and warm. I gasp when I felt his tongue against my lips allowing him to slip it into my mouth. I moaned when he ran his tongue along mine. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss, it was better then I expected. We finally pulled apart only because we had to catch our breath.
"We should get ready and find Samuel." I said, pulling out of his warm embrace and getting out if bed. I shivered as the cold air hit me, grabbing my robes I pulled them on. When I finished I turned and looked over at Connor, he was already fully dressed. I bite my lip as I examined him. His tall muscular body, dark skin. The way some of his hair was hanging into his face until he pushes it out of the way. His warm brown eyes meet mine, he gave me a small smile before making his way to me. He placed his hand on my cheek, tugging my lip free of my teeth.
"You have to stop doing that. It makes me want to kiss you again." He said.
I gasped, involuntarily bringing my lip back to my teeth and nibbling on it.
"I warned you." He said.
"What..." I was cut off by him bringing his mouth down on mine. I instinctively opened my mouth allowing him to slip in his tongue. This man was going to be the death of me. I was so drawn to him, something pulled me closer and closer to him the more time I spent with him. If I'm not careful I'm going to fall in love with him. Hell I already think I am.
"Connor." I gasped as I pulled away. "You said one kiss."
"I can't help myself." He whispered, leaning in closer.
"I can't Connor." I said, pulling fully away from him and walking to the door.
"Why not?" He asked, coming after me.
"I value our friendship to much. If things didn't work out we could end up hating each other." I said before opening the door and walking out.
Connor and I hadn't spoken since we left the inn to go find Samuel. I didn't want to hurt Connor but I also did not want to lose him as a friend. We were making our way to the docks, we had heard that Samuel was around there somewhere.
When we finally found him he was talking with a group of men.
"Ah Sahra. " Samuel smiled when he spotted me. "Connor hello again. What brings you two to Boston." He said to Connor.
"You." Connor said plainly.
"Will you excuse us fellas." He said to his friends as he placed an arm around me and a hand on Connor's shoulder.
"Thank you, that conversation was about to turn unpleasant. Now what can I do for you?" Samuel said as we began to walk away.
"We were hoping you could help us locate William Johnson." Connor said.
"Of course I'm heading to a meeting with some men who should be able to help. Why don't you two come along." Samuel said.
Samuel began to lead the way. Him and Connor started to talk but I wasn't really listening I was more focused on watching Connor as he walked ahead of me, I had a perfect view of his back side. I licked my lips as my eyes trailed up and down his perfect body. I groaned as I ran into said perfect body when he stopped suddenly. He looked at me with a raised brow I glared at him before looking around for the reason we had stopped. I spotted a man in a window yelling down at some tax collectors.
"It is not open for discussion! Now open this door! Or these men break it down!" The tax collector shouted but the man wasn't listening he reached into his room and picked up his chamber pot and dumped it out of the window. The tax collector just avoided getting the piss dumped on his head.
"Bullocks! We're coming in!" A red coat shouted, and brought his rifle against the door. The door flew open as the man came crashing out and tackled the red coat to the ground.
"I trust the mounting evidence is truth enough, Connor." Samuel said.
"Continue on, I shall meet you at our destination. Sahra go with him." Connor said walking towards the man.
"I don't think so Cretino." I hissed.
"Come Sahra." Samuel said, taking me by the arm and tried to lead me away.
"No, I can fight." I growled.
"Sahra your a woman, and they don't fight." Samuel said, holding me firmly and led me away. When we were a few blocks away I stomped on Samuel's foot, causing him to yelp and let me go. I shot off down the street and climbed the closest building to me before running across the roof tops. I didn't go back Connor. I did something stupid I ran to the nearest tavern which was the Green Dragon. I walked to the back of the room and sat down at the table. I placed my head in my hands and signed deeply, rubbing my temple.
"Why did you run off last time?" A very familiar voice asked. I groaned, banging my head against the table. I signed as I looked up but didn't lift my head.
"Why can't you leave me alone?" I asked Haytham, who had his head tilted to the side watching me curiously.
"I find you interesting. Why are you hiding in here?"
"I'm not hiding." I snapped sitting up straight.
"Really? Looks like it to me." He said with a chuckle.
I signed, looking away. " Do you think I could take someone in a fight?" I asked.
"Of course. Why do you ask?"
"My friends don't think so."
"Then they don't know you very well."
We were quiet for some time, both just lost in our thoughts. I examined  Haytham, I could see the resembles between him and Connor. They both had the same eyes, nose and mouth. My mind flashed back to this morning when Connor had kissed me. It was my first kiss and it had been amazing. I glared, looking out the window. Connor thinks I'm weak, that I can't fight beside him.
"What are you thinking about?" Haytham asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Didn't seem like nothing. It seemed like you were thinking about something amazing before before you began to glare at the wall."
"I...had my first kiss this morning." I whispered.
"That's not something to be angry about. That's wonderful."
"He's my best friend but he doesn't want me to fight with him. He thinks I'm weak."
"Then prove him wrong."
I looked up at Haytham, confused.
"Go!" He said, gesturing at the door.
I flashed him a smile before bolting out of the tavern. I looked around when I got outside, now where would my little Cretino be.
When I finally got a word of where Connor was it had gotten dark. From listening to the crowds I found out that Connor was attacking Johnson's ships  at the docks and destroying his tea. By the time I got there the battle was in full swing. Connor, Samuel and two other men were defending the ships as well as destroying the tea. I was standing on a building over looking the docks. I'm going to make a grand entrance. I spotted a group of guards coming up behind Conner, who was distracted by another guard. I placed my hand on my bracer, readying my grappling hock, raising my arm I aimed for of the mast, pressing the trigger the hock shot out an impaled the wood of the mast. Tightening my grip I swung down, past Connor and in to the guards, knocking some of them over the side of the ship. I pulled out my katana as I landed and ran one of the guards through.
"What are you doing here?!" Connor growled.
"Saving your ass!" I hissed, pulling a ninja star free and throwing it in Connor's direction, impaling a guard that was coming up behind him.
"You could of hit me!" He snapped, blocking an attack.
"Then pay attention, Cretino." I said, dodging an attack before killing another guard by slashing his throat.
It didn't take long till we had almost all of the guards dead and the tea dumped.
"We've done it!" Samuel said, when the last guard was dead.
We started to walk off the ship.
"Connor, we saved the last one for you." A French man said, coming forward holding a box of tea. Connor took it, raising it above is head, showing it to the crowd before walking to the edge of the dock and with a shrug he dropped it into the water. I looked across the dock to see three men walking away, one of them looked like William Johnson.
"Best we get out of here." The French man said, pointing at a group of red coats coming towards us. Connor nodded and we all head out.
I stood back as Connor said his goodbyes to his new friends, one of which he was training to be an Assassin, who was Stephane Chapheau the French man.
"Sahra, I was wrong about women not fighting. I'm sorry." Samuel said.
"It's alright." I said, giving him a hug.
"Goodbye." He said, walking away.
I waved at everyone as they left.
Whistling softly to myself I headed for Reaper, mounting him I set off in the general direction of home. Connor had to hurry to catch up with me. I didn't talk to him the whole way home, even when he tired.
We arrived at the Homestead just as the sun was rising, Papa was at the back of the manor, sitting by the cliff on a rock, watching the sun rise. Smiling I sat down beside him as Connor spoke.
"It is done." He said.
"Johnson is dead?" Papa asked.
"No, he retreated when we destroyed the tea." Connor said walking to stand in front of Papa and me.
"Only to hack some new scheme I'm sure. You should have killed him." Papa said. I placed my head on his shoulder, I was exhausted.
"There was no need."
"Time will tell if you speak the truth." Papa said.
Connor glared at us before walking away.
"You should go see Ezio. He has been waiting for you to get back."
"Okay." I said, standing up and stretching before heading inside to Ezio's room. The dummy was still sleeping. I crept into his room, coming to a stop at the head of the bed, examining him as he slept. Grinning I lifted the bowl of ice cold water and dumped it on his sleeping face. A shriek echoed through the house as Ezio shot up from bed. Connor came running in and you could hear Papa making his way up the stairs.
"What happened?" Connor asked.
"My sister is the devil." Ezio growled, shivering.
I'm smiled innocently, putting the bowl down just as Papa came in. He looked at Ezio then me.
"Sahra." He said.
"I'm going to bed." I said, running out and into my room. I took off my weapons before pulling off my robes and putting on one of Connor's shirts that I had stolen. It was extremely comfortable, I couldn't help myself. I was just about to crawl into my bed when there was a knock at my door.
"Ezio if that's you go away!" I shouted.
"It's me." Came Connor's voice.
"You too! I'm tired!"
"No." He said as the door opened and he came inside.
"I could be naked." I snapped.
He stilled looking up at me before closing the door. I felt my whole body heat up as he examined me from head to toe. His shirt reached just above my knees.
"I've been wondering where that went. It looks good on you." He said, stepping closer.
"Connor you should go." I said, backing away as he came closer. I jumped when my back hit the wall. Connor placed his hands on either side of my head.
"I'm sorry. I was trying to protect you. I...don't even want imagine something happening to you. You mean to much to me." He said.
I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. His eyes flicked down to my lips, I instinctively brought my lower lip between my teeth.
"Stop." He whispered.
My eyes widened but I didn't stop, I wanted him to kiss me.
He growled, jerking me forward bringing his lips to mine. I gasped when I felt his lips against mine. He slipped his tongue  into my mouth. I groaned, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer. Kissing him deeply. I'll let out a small whine when Connor pulled away, I tried to pull him closer but he chuckled holding me back.
"Let me say something first then you can kiss me again." He said, running his thumb across my lip.
"I want you to be mine." He whispered.
"I...don't know."
"Why?" He signed, placing forehead against mine.
"I don't want to ruin our friendship."
"It won't." He said, brushing his lips against mine.
"Okay, we could try." I whispered against his lips. He flashed me a bright smile before bringing his lips to mine again. This could be a bad idea but at this point I didn't really care. I was already in love with him.
A/N I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update. I've been working. I hope you like the new update.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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