Chapter 9

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Davenport Homestead, 1771
The leafs crunched underneath my feet as I made my way over to the stables, where Connor was tending to the horses.
"Hey, Cretino." I smirked when he glared at me.
"We agreed you would stop calling me that."
"Old habits die hard." I said with a shrugged. "So where are you going?" I asked, petting his horse. It was a beauty, coco brown with spots decorating her body and one over her right eye. Connor had some complicating Native name for her but I called her Puppy and it infuriated Connor. It's not my fault that his horse acts like a puppy and likes me more.
"Hi, Puppy." I said, giving her a kiss on the nose.
"Her name is not Puppy. It's Shenandoa." Connor growled.
"So where are you going?" I asked again.
"To hunt in the frontier."
"Can I come?"
"No, Achilles told to tell you that he would like you to go see him if I saw you." He said, placing a sadle on Puppy.
"He doesn't need to know that I went with you."
"I'm not going to lie to my mentor." He said, climbing onto Puppy. "I'll be back before dark."
I glared at his back as he rode away, grumbling under my breath I headed to the manor. I saw Papa on the porch, waiting for me.
"Good morning Sahra."
I grunted in greeting, making my way around him and to the door but he grabbed my arm.
"What?" I whinned.
"I need you to deliver this to Mr. Faulkner." He said handing me a letter.
Groaning in annoyance I took the letter and headed to the path that led to the beach where the Aquila stood proudly. I walked up to the small cabin and banged me fist against the door. The door flew open and I was greeted by the smell of alcohol.
"What do ya want?" Mr. Faulkner growled, glaring down at me but his eyes widen when he saw me. "Oh Miss. Sahra my apologies I didn' know it was you."
"It's okay. Papa wanted me to give you this." I said handing him the letter.
He nodded as he took the letter and closed to door. With a sign I headed back to the manor but I decided to take the long way through the woods and up to the manor. As I was walking I lost myself in my thoughts, I didn't realize that I had ventured into a bear's territory until it jumped out at me, gasping I jumped back and tripped over a tree rut. I fell backwards hitting my head against the ground. I looked up with blurring vision, the bear was standing in front of me on it's hind legs about to swipe it's paw down. I raised my hand and tried to concentrate over my pounding headache. Slowly the bear dropped to all fours, bowing his head. Carefully I stood up, keeping my eyes on the bear and back away. When I was far enough away I turned and ran for home as soon as I turned the bear's pounding feet could be heard as he set after me. Gasping I tried to find a tree to climb. I was running out of energy when I spotted a tree the was laying on an angle with a new bust of energy I ran along the tree and jumped into the one beside it and climbed farther up the tree. I looked down at the bear, he was circling the tree and trying to climb it. I looked around trying to figure out where the hell I was. I didn't recognize any of the trees and I couldn't see the Homestead any more. I must have ran into the Frontier to get away from the bear. Signing I got more comfortable as I waited for the bear to give up and leave.
I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes again it was dark and I was freezing. I looked down at the bass of the tree, trying to see if the bear is still there. I bit back a curse when I saw a dark mound at the bass of the tree. I looked around trying to see if there was a way for me to go around the bear or go along the trees. I jumped onto a branch beside me, slowly and carefully I moved from tree to tree, hoping the bear wouldn't wake up. I was about a hundred yards away when I slipped and fell out of the trees, landing on the ground with a thud and all the air got knocked out of me lungs. I looked up at the sky as I tried to get air back into my lungs and not pass out but I could feel it I was going to pass out, just as my eyes began to close I saw a figure standing over me.
I groaned as I woke up, my back hurt like hell but I was laying on something soft. Confused I opened my eyes and looked around I was in a small room with only a bed and a table. Did I get kidnapped? Slowly I got up and went to the window there was a fountain in the middle of a courtyard with houses surrounding it. Where the hell am I?
I spun around as I heard the door open. I franticly looked around for a weapon, my were all gone, the only thing there was, was a chair, grabbing it, I held it ready.
"What are you doing with that chair?" Haytham smirked as he walked into the room and closed the door behind him.
"Where am I? How did I get here?" I asked, not putting down the chair.
"I found you on my way here. I can't really tell you where you are, you being the daughter of an Assassin and all. I won't hurt you, you have my word."
Slowly I put the chair down.
"How about we get I drink?" He asked opening the door.
"Where are my weapons?"
"Don't fret, you will get them back after you feel better." He said, walking out of them room. Unsure of what to do I followed him. He led me down a set of stairs to a bar, where he ordered two cups of ale. When the bartender handed him the drinks he led me to a table in the corner. I grabbed the chair that was against the wall so that I could see everything that was going on. Haytham chuckled, sitting down across from me. "Your father trained you well."
I glared at him before taking my cup of ale and chugging it. "How long have I been unconscious?"
"Over a day."
"Papa and Cretino must be so worried."
He raised a brow, "Cretino?"
"Who's he?"
"A friend."
"Just a friend?" He asked, singling for the barmaid to bring us more drinks.
"Yes, my best friend. Do you have any family?"
He hesitated. " Yes, I have a sister."
"No parents?"
"They died long ago."
"I'm sorry. I don't know my parents. They abandoned me when I was a baby and Papa found me in the woods."
"That's terrible. To us orphans." He said, raising his cup. I banged mine against his before chugging it. I raised my hand for another.
"Do you want children?" I asked him.
He looked at me confused. "I suppose, some day. Do you?"
I nodded, chugging my ale.
"Maybe you should slow down."
"No, thanks." I said, raising my hand for another.
I should have listened.
I moaned as the sun shun through the window. I buried my head into my very warm pillow. I stiffened when I realized that my pillow, wasn't a pillow but a body.
"Not again!" I shouted, bolting out of the bed and turned to see who I was sleeping beside. I couldn't see his face it was covered by a blanket but I could see his toned chest. I was hopping that it was Connor but his skin was darker. I grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of...Haytham?!!!
"Cad é an ifreann?! Ce faci în patul meu ?!! Yini eyokwenzeka izolo ebusuku ?!" I shouted speaking Irish, Romanian and Zulu. Haytham snapped up looking around.
" Gerði við stunda kynlíf ? Oh maður Connor er að fara að hata mig . Ég svaf með er faðir og pabbi er að fara að drepa mig . Hvað er ég að gera? Hvers vegna gerðir þú hættir mér þú öfuguggi ?" I ranted before glaring at Haytham.
"Um..the only thing I understand was Connor. Who's Connor?"
"Not important. Did. We. Have. Sex?" I asked very slowly.
"No, I would never do that to a woman when she is drunk."
"Then why am I almost naked?" I hissed pointing at the shirt I was wearing.
"You fell into the fountain well you were singing some very inappropriate songs. Something about pornstar dancing and casual sex."
I groaned banging my head against the wall. "I need to go home where are my clothes. Wait did you undress me?" I asked, glaring at him.
"No. I asked the barmaid. I'll go ask her for your clothes." He said pulling on a shirt.
"And I want my weapons back!" I called as he walked out of the room. I didn't have to wait long for him to come back with my robes and weapons.
"I will wait out here for you to get dressed." He said, placing my things on the bed before walking out of the room and closing the door. I quickly put my clothes on and put all my weapons in their proper places before opening the window. I didn't want Haytham to follow me home. I didn't want to do something stupid again. I climbed down the side of the inn. I dropped the last few feet before sprinting into the woods. I didn't know where I was but hopefully I can find my way back to the Homestead.
About five hours later I was still nowhere near home. I looked up as I heard hooves behind me. I quickly climbed a tree and waited for the rider to pass but when he passed the tree I was on he stopped and looked up.
"Sahra what are you doing up there?" I signed in relief when I recognized Ezio. I dropped from the tree, landing beside his horse.
"I was hiding. I though you were a red coat or a pouchier."
"Why aren't you at home?"
"I..I'm lost."
"Where do you live?"
"Davenport Homestead."
"You're in luck. I know where it is and I'm headed there myself. Hop on."
"Grazie." I said, climbing on behind him.
"Prego." He said.
"Tu parli italiano?"
Smiling I placed my head on him back and fell asleep.
"Sahra, svegliare. Erano qui."
I groaned, opening my eyes and looking around. I jumped off of the horse when I saw the manor. I ran to the door and pushed it open.
"Papa! Connor!" I called. I turned back to the door. Ezio was standing in the door, smiling at me.
"Papa!" I ran into the kitchen. Papa was coming up the stairs from the cellular.
"Where the hell have you been young lady?"
I quickly explained what had happened. When I finished Papa hugged me tightly.
"Where is this young man that helped you?"
"Outside." I said, walking back to the front door where Ezio and Connor where glaring at each other.
"Connor." I said, running over to him.
"Sahra." He gasped, wrapping his arms around me.
"Connor, Papa this is Ezio."
"It is a pleasure to meet you."
"What can we do for you?" Papa asked.
"I was hoping that you could help me. I'm looking for my sister. I haven't seen her since she was a baby. We had to hide her, the Templars want to use her."
"Wait here." I said, my mind was spinning as I ran up stairs to my room. I grabbed the letter my mother had written me before heading back downstairs. I handed the letter to Papa, confused he opened it and read. He looked up in shock before he handed the letter to Ezio, who quietly took it and read it.
"This was from my mother." I said.
When he finished the letter dropped from his hand as tears sprung to his eyes. He grabbed me by the shoulders, looking at me face before wrapping his arms around me.
"Who is he?" Connor asked.
"He's my brother." I said.
A/N Hope you like it. Below are the translations.
Cad é an ifreann?!-What the hell?!
Ce faci în patul meu ?!!- What are you doing in my bed?!!
Yini eyokwenzeka izolo ebusuku ?!-What happened last night?!
Gerði við stunda kynlíf ? Oh maður Connor er að fara að hata mig . Ég svaf með er faðir og pabbi er að fara að drepa mig . Hvað er ég að gera? Hvers vegna gerðir þú hættir mér þú öfuguggi.-Did we have sex ? Oh man Connor is going to hate me . I slept with his father and my father is going to kill me . What am I doing ? Why did you leave me, you pervert.
Grazie-Thank you
Prego-Your welcome
Tu parli italiano-You speak Italian
svegliare. Erano qui- wake up. We're here.

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