Day 04 of 100: One Terrible Day

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The station buzzed with the sound of voices coming together, making it impossible for Jason to direct his ears towards a specific conversation. He turned his focus to the person walking towards him instead.

"I would like to say good day, but I rather not," the police officer took the seat opposite Jason, "considering it's been one terrible day for you."

"Tell me about it," he replied. "Can you believe the nerve of this chick?" Jason sat back. "To cheat on me. Me of all people."

"I would say that's one of the reasons, yeah."

"What's with the tone, officer?" Disgust in Jason's voice, "It's like you judging me." He sat forward, "Like you giving me feminism vibes right now. Almost as if my girlfriend getting hit by a bus is worse than her cheating on me? Is that really what you more concerned about?"

"Wouldn't you be?" the officer met him in the middle of the desk. Instead of arm wrestling Jason, he laid a couple of images in front of them. "I mean look at this. Aren't you a little concerned about what happened to your girlfriend?"

"Not really," the bait failed. Jason's eyes were now on his feet, "I'm more bummed that I lost my job as a bus driver."

. . .

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