Chapter One

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I have never used wattpad before so bear with me if any of this goes a little awry. I think I've got a handle on it but we shall see. This piece is complete, I will be uploading chapters a bit at a time. In any case, enjoy. 

"So lower-level schemas are the ones that organise all the sensory information like sight, sound, touch, you see?" the professor paused briefly as if to assess if we were fully engaged with the subject.

We weren't. I don't think anyone was really 'here' for a 10 am lecture about memory and schemas. Our bodies may have been there, but our minds certainly weren't.

"Okay, well then, higher-level schemas are the ones that identify these lower schemas as fitting their low-level slots" good old Andy Robinson droned on.

He tried his best, but his soft Scottish accent always made me want to drift off. He'd have more hope as an ASMRist on YouTube than as a university lecturer. My concentration never stood a chance. Looking around I saw others had lost the battle too. People were on Instagram, texting, and talking with their friends. I swear I could see someone drawing Freud attached to a burning pyre.

It was pretty good.

My hands drifted towards my notebook and flipped it to a blank page. Not to write notes mind you; that would be silly. Who actually manages to write during a lecture? Most of my notes consisted of doodles or little sentences like 'Hello my name is Leah and I'm very bored'. Over and over again in different coloured pens.

I grabbed the edge of the page and gave it a little tug. *KKKRRT*. Several people turned around at the sound and my face started to burn.

Crap, I didn't think it would be that loud. I ducked my head to avoid people's stares and pulled more slowly this time. *kkkkrrt*.

Time for a little origami.

I folded with the mastery of someone who does this far too often in her lectures. After about 20 minutes I had a wonderful little zoo on the go . Including a frog, a crane, a turtle and a dinosaur. Quite an eclectic zoo. An attempt was made for an origami bear but I failed spectacularly. Considering bears were my favourite animal this was actually rather saddening.

I picked up the frog I'd made. He was particularly stumpy and could jump quite high. You're my favourite, I thought. You shall be called Mortimer.

"Right, I think we'll leave it there," Andy said "We'll pick up the exciting topic of schemas next week."

An audible sigh of relief swept the room. Quite a few people had already packed up and left by the time he'd said the last word. I crammed my notebook into my backpack with very little care, swung it onto my shoulder and slipped away as quickly as I could.

The air outside was crisp and cool, a stark contrast to the stuffy lecture theatre. I breathed in deeply. Fresh air always made me feel better.

"Leah! Over here!" A voice shouted from behind me.

I turned to look and saw a young woman waving at me to get my attention. Her braids were piled neatly in a bun on her head and she was wearing a bewildering amount of yellow. The yellow did pair perfectly with her dark skin though. "It's me bitch get over here."

Anika. Who else would it be? We'd been best friends since the start of high school. A grin formed on my lips and I shook my head at Anika's antics "I'm coming, I'm coming chill out," I said as I meandered through the crowd towards her.

"Well, I've been waiting forever. I needed you to hurry up," Anika said, throwing her arm around my shoulder and guiding me away from the psychology building.

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