Chapter Four

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Fili (Ered Luin, Middle Earth)

Fili had searched everywhere.

When Kili was thrown over the edge, Fili's heart stopped, his blood turned to frost in his veins. His arms had reached out, straining uselessly towards his brother. All he could do was yell his name.

Fili charged to the edge, nearly taking himself over with his momentum. Rocks dislodged from the sodden earth and tumbled to the ground below. Kili was down there. His little brother was down there.

Fili did not hesitate, climbing down the cliff face with careless speed. His hands slid down the rain soaked moss, catching on the sharp rocks. But he hardly felt them.

The rain poured even harder than before, bringing visibility down to nearly nothing.

"Kili!" He screamed. Screamed until his voice was hoarse.

His brother, his baby brother. Where was he?

He had been helpless, as his little brother fell to his death.

No! Not to his death. He can't be dead, he simply can't.

This was his fault. If only he had gotten to the warg in time. He was supposed to be the older brother. Adad had charged him with protecting both Kili and their Amad before he had died and now he had failed them.

When he finally reached the bottom to the valley below, he drew his sword. Kili had to be down here. Even with the rain he should have been able to see him.

"Kili please, where are you?" he cried.

He swung his head around frantically, searching in every direction. His long hair whipped around and clung to his soaked face. Fili could no longer tell if the moisture on was purely the rain or if tears hung there.

Out of the corner of his eye Fili could see something moving. He rushed over to it, his feet slipping through the mud. When he got close he stopped in his tracks.

It wasn't Kili.

It was that 'Thing' . He could see it twitching and whining like a whelping mutt. The matted fur was coated in a thick layer of blood and its limbs were broken at sharp angles.

Fili saw red. Teeth bared, he lifted his sword above his head and swung. The blade arched down and cut through the beast's neck. Fili then repeated it. Again and again and again. Blood spattered up his arms, his face. But he didn't care. The creature was long dead but he kept hitting it. It might have killed his brother.

He stopped abruptly, his arms quivering. A sickening feeling settled deep in his stomach. Fili was shocked at what he did. He'd killed animals before but never like that. Shaking, he took several steps back. His breath was coming out in heaving gasps.

That's when he saw it. A few metres away tangled in the grass. Kili's bow.

Fili rushed over, heart beating out of his chest. The sword fell out of his hands and he dropped to his knees. The wood was soaked but it wasn't from the rain. It was stained a deep red.

Blood. Kili's blood.

But he was nowhere to be seen. Fili picked up the bow and cradled it to his chest.


There was no response besides the beating of the rain.

Leah (England-Earth)

I think I slept. If you could really call it sleep. Curled up on a chair next to Kili's bed, made for some very awkward sleeping positions and a very bad neck. Kili on the other hand was out like a light, snoring away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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