Chapter Two

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Kili- (Ered Luin- Middle Earth)

It was not the best of days. The rain slanted sideways and the wind made his teeth chatter when it blew his way. Nevertheless, Kili was determined and focused as he ventured out into the bad weather. Water dripped from his leather overcoat and made little pools below him as he walked. Mud clung thickly to his boots and he had to put more effort into picking his feet up off the ground.

Even through the rain, the mountains behind him were still breathtaking. A subtle blue colour tinged the rock face. A quality befitting most of the stone in Ered Luin, it was derived from a mineral within the ore itself.

It was home.

Kili was not alone on his traipse through the cold wet forest. A blonde dwarf trailed behind him, not quite as pleased to be out as he was.

"Tell me again," Fili paused briefly, flicking water from his eyes "Why we are walking through the woods and slowly drowning in the first place?"

"I've told you I need to practise as much as possible," Kili sighed, slightly annoyed. He'd told his brother multiple times now.

"I get that, but couldn't we do that when it's not raining?" said Fili

Kili reached a hand up to his chest where his bow string lay. In one swift move, he removed the bow from his back and balanced it in his hand. He traced the geometric carvings along the body with his thumb, while his other hand worried at the bowstring.

"I have to be ready for anything. Come rain or shine," Kili said, his voice nearly drowned out in the wind "I can't give Uncle any excuse not to take me on this quest."

The quest.

Thorin had announced it to them a couple of months ago. They were going to reclaim the dwarven homeland from under the dark rule of a dragon. Thorin had only entrusted a select few with this knowledge. It wasn't too long ago when Fili and him were pushed out of the room while the adults spoke about 'Grown-up topics' so he was so happy that he was included in that few.

But even though he was given the privilege of knowing about the quest, his Uncle was still hesitant about letting Fili and Kili join the company.

Kili gripped the bow tighter. He had to go. This was his homeland. Even though he had never seen it, he would do anything to take it back. He just needed to prove to Thorin that he was worthy enough to go. That involved trailing through the woods, in the rain, for some target practice. It wasn't always going to be bright sunny days on this quest. He needed to adapt to all weather conditions.

If he could show his uncle his skills with a bow then he'd have to let him join.

Fili looked on at his brother, understanding painted his face. He knew where Kili was coming from. "Well then, when you put it like that it seems I should get some practice in too,"

He then reached behind him and withdrew the sword from the scabbard on his back. With deft skill, he twirled the sword in his hands. Water spun off the edges of the blade as it cut through the air.

"You practise with your bow and I'll practise some of my sword drills," Both of them grinned at each other as they reached an understanding.

Kili decided to try some stationary targets to start off with. The branch of a tree or the knot on a trunk. Fili practised his sword movements next to him. The dwarf moved his feet in well-practised sequences and swung his sword at key moments.

Fili would call out different targets for his brother to aim at. If Kili hit the right target they would both cheer. When he missed, Kili grumbled to himself and looked downtrodden. Fili would merely laugh and tell him not to be so disheartened.

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