2 - How to Escape Your Enemies

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Watch me not have a good publishing schedule, bc I published this a month after the first chapter-

Character from Sonic X incoming


"Excellent work! I'm surprised you didn't get sent to jail!"

The team's accomplishment was brought to Eggman's attention at the room where he was building his "Sonic-destroying" robot. It was ginormous, obviously, and it looked like a literal Transformer.

Fang the Sniper could care less about what Eggman does, as long as it doesn't affect him directly. He only cared about the payment.

"Well," Fang mumbled, "we would've been sent to jail because of Bitchy Bean over there."

Bean paid no attention to the insult since he was eyeing the glistening crystals the three got for Eggman. Bark took massive offense to it but didn't want to start anything.

Eggman swatted Bean away. He dumped the crystals into an opening in the leg of his creation. "Anyways, we will discuss payment at the end of the week."

End of the week?

Fang was pretty sure Eggman would pay him right after this job. Unless he was gonna pay him after all the jobs were done.

"That wasn't the deal," Fang said.

"I figured it would be easier to pay you at the end of the week. By then, every standard for my robot will be met."

Fang scoffed. "Better be a big paycheck, then."

"Yes, sure. Now, I need you to find a Chaos Emerald-"

"CHAOS EMERALD?!" Bean blurted with sparkling eyes, nearly turning his head 180 degrees to Eggman.

"I'll give you coordinates for your bike on where the nearest one is located." Eggman rubbed his ear from Bean's airhorn screech.

Fang had a Chaos Emerald detector built in his bike. It was pretty accurate unless someone were to mess up its programming and give him the wrong coordinates.

He was always fond of Chaos Emeralds, especially since they could go for a high price on the market. Unfortunately, whenever he tried to get (or got) his hands on one, Sonic or Amy or some other hero would beat him up. On some occasions though, he succeeded and got paid . . . not the amounts he expected, but enough.

At times, he would catch himself wondering if he could get a super form. With all seven emeralds. He barely knew anything about super forms, though. Better not to dwell on it.

"Sounds good." Fang nodded.

After the Doctor put in the coordinates, Fang, Bark, and Bean were off.

The mission was going as well as it could go. Bean kept being a little douche towards Fang, nearly making him pull the gun on him. Bark couldn't care enough to make Bean back off. He found their little shenanigans amusing.

Eventually, they found the Chaos Emerald wedged into the side of a grassy hill, thanks to Bean's skill at finding "shinies."

"Alright, that was pretty simple. Now let's—"

"Nack! What are you up to now?!"

Fang was interrupted by none other than Vector the Crocodile's irritating ruff n' tuff voice, and Espio and Charmy were with him.

He turned to them with a dark glare. "How many times do I have to say it, stop callin' me that!"

Bean gasped. "You have a secret identity?!"

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