𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚄𝚙

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The red curtain ruffled softly as the AC blowed on them while everyone took their seats. The lights dimmed and the curtains opened but no one could see the face of the person on stage.

Soft chanting started coming from the speakers, almost like an African chant.

I been walkin'
With my face turned to the sun
Weight on my shoulders
A bullet in my gun

A familiar voice started singing as actors started flooding the stage. The crowd quieted down and people began recording, their flashing filling the auditorium.

Oh, I got eyes in the back of my head
Just in case I have to run
I do what I can when I can while I can for my people
While the clouds roll back and the stars fill the night

The stage lights turned on and the actions of the actors became clear.

Men hiding away from their slave owners as the women seemed to be begging for mercy for their 'husbands'. The kids crouched behind their mothers. And finally, a woman standing in front of them all, a microphone in front of her.

That's when I'm gonna stand up
Take my people with me
Together we are going
To a brand new home
Far across the river
Can you hear freedom calling?
Calling me to answer
Gonna keep on keepin' on
I can feel it in my bones

The actors suddenly started fighting back against their oppressors, causing the crowd to cheer.

As the woman sung, the spotlight suddenly got brighter on her and her face was revealed.


The people clapped and cheered as she poured her heart out in this song.

Early in the mornin'
Before the sun begins to shine
We're gonna start movin'
Towards that separating line

The backdrop changed as there was motion picture of the sun slowly beginning to rise. The men, women, and children representing the slaves started moving away from their owners.

I'm wadin' through muddy waters
You know I got a made up mind
And I don't mind if I lose any blood on the way to salvation
And I'll fight with the strength that I got until I die

The crowd cheered and clapped along to the beat.

"Take your time, baby!" Someone said from the audience.

So I'm gonna stand up
Take my people with me
Together we are going
To a brand new home
Far across the river
Can you hear freedom calling?
Calling me to answer
Gonna keep on keepin' on

The actors left the stage and the attention was all on Beyoncé. She took a deep breath and looked into the crowd.

And I know what's around the bend
Might be hard to face 'cause I'm alone
And I just might fail
But Lord knows I tried
Sure as stars fill up the sky

The crowd went crazy at the high notes and she smiled, continuing on with the song. The mens chorus joined in.

Stand up
Take my people with me
Together we are going
To a brand new home
Far across the river
Can you hear freedom calling?
Calling me to answer
Gonna keep on keepin' on

I'm gonna stand up
Take my people with me
Together we are going
To a brand new home
Far across the river
Do you hear freedom calling?
Calling me to answer
Gonna keep on keepin' on

Beyoncé put her hand in the air, another hand on her stomach.

I'm gonna stand up
Take my people with me
Together we are going
To a brand new home
Far across the river
I hear freedom calling
Calling me to answer
Gonna keep on keepin' on
I can feel it in my bones

"I know that's right!!" Someone else said. The chorus did a soft chant in the background as Beyoncé's mic was turned up a bit.

I go to prepare a place for you
I go to prepare a place for you
I go to prepare a place for you
I go to prepare a place for you

The song ended and the chorus swayed side to side as they left the stage. When the music went off, everyone stood up and clapped. Some whistles were heard as Beyoncé bowed and thanked everyone.

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