I: Boring, Boring, And Will You Look At That? Boring.

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Life is like the sea.

It can be calm and still or rough and rigid, but it's always beautiful in the end.

I only wonder if it could end soon. . . If only that limitless water would offer you one final showdown. In a universe of grandeur, there will always be an infinite vacancy. It's foolish to try to see the finish. It's all meaningless. If only I already could—

"Arwen! Professor. Grandsworn just called on you." I came back to reality with a start. "Stop daydreaming and pay attention!"

Just my best friend, Vylan Henris. Well, my only friend, to be exact.

I look up to see his golden eyes. His complexion was an ochre brown hue, comparable to the mellow-brown glow that drenched the forest by the school in the afternoons, his blond locs looked gorgeous in the sunlight.

Jeez, I hate chemistry. I couldn't care less about the stupid periodic table, and the amount of homework we were assigned was downright cruel. To top it all off, the professor, Kayd Grandsworn, was a total dickhead.

"Ms. Lowvale, if you think so highly of yourself that you disregard the lesson that I am teaching, please tell me-?"

I should really start paying attention in class, I can't even answer this easy question. I thought. Whatever. I'm not failing, so I'm okay for now.

"I'm not sure, sir," I responded in a monotone, almost robotic voice. Grandsworn's mouth formed a mocking grimace.

"Did you think you'd be able to achieve a decent mark in my class without ever picking up a book, Ms. Lowvale?" Grandsworn displayed a tight-lipped smirk. He then proceeded to explain the answer, but to be quite honest, I stopped listening after "mark".

This was always the case. I'd lose focus, Vylan would snap me awake, and I'd be publicly humiliated by my least favorite professor — not that I cared in the first place.

To be honest, it was so tiresome. Repeating the same actions over and over. Mr. Grandick had already turned to the board and resumed the lesson. Vylan turned back to professor Grandsworn and gave me one last glance that screamed, "You're an idiot."

Now, I understand how silly it can be to zone out in class and then get irritated at the teacher for being displeased with you. However, the reality is that I wasn't the only one. Vylan was the only one who seemed to be paying attention, and even he yawned once in a while. Which seemed to me to really be unjust.

Finally, the last bell of the day rang, seconds seemed like hours as we were dismissed to return home.

"Arwen, why do you do this?" Vylan inquired, drained. "If you keep doing this, you'll fail chem."

Today, we were both heading home together. As we traveled down the same path, I kicked a pebble. "You know I don't really care about it."

"You absolutely should!" Vylan looked at me, puppy dog eyes and everything, and said, "If you fail, your chances of graduating with the class are more or less zero. I'm going to be lonely!"

I tried my utmost hardest to ignore Vylan's puppy-dog gaze, even though I could never resist the way he looked at me like that. (not like that 😏)

I sighed, annoyed. "Okay, I'll try harder, but-"


"You didn't let me finish, Tall Ass," I said exasperatedly. Vylan was around 6'5, a fucking giant. "Only if you don't bother me about my septum piercing anymore. I am sixteen. And I'm your best friend, not your daughter."

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