141 reunion 

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(Y/n's pov)

I was awoken by a knock on my door. I walked out of my room and to the front door. I opened it to be greeted my aksel. " It's four in the morning what could possibly be so important to be banging on my door?" I asked in a groggy voice. "The general told me to wake you. Task force 141 is arriving in a few hours." He replied. He also looked exhausted.

I nodded at him and basically slammed the door in his face. I needed a shower so i made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped. I looked at myself in the mirror as usual. I look a lot better from when i did with graves. The mirror started to fog up so i got in the shower.

After the shower i got dressed in my uniform. Well not really uniform but it's good enough. If we where to she shot at I'd live and that's all that matters. I walk out of my room and look at the picture on the counter. It's a picture of me and Thor. I don't admit it much but i miss him. I grabbed my pistol off the table and put it in my holster and walked out the front door.

Our base is on land and extends out into the ocean. I walk over to where aksel and the general are. "Ah there you are they should be arriving any minute now." The general said. We waited about ten minutes when we could see a helicopter in the distance. It flew over the helipad that was too small and let down a rope. Price is the first one off.

All commanding officers and other important people on base where surrounded around the helipad. I see ghost, gaz and soap get down off the rope. No Alejandro. I guess he stayed in Mexico. All there men got out and i stepped forward. The only ones who knew about me and ghost where soap,price,Alejandro, gaz and the general.

"Good to see you in good health y/n" price said as he pulled me into a bug. I hugged back. He spent time with me and Simon in the hospital a lot. Sometimes when Simon had to do things at base price would come and sit with me and we would talk for hours about random things. He's the first one that found out about me and Simon.

Me and price pulled away. Soap walked over to me and held his hand out. "Good seeing you Skar. It's pretty chilly out here." He said. I put his hand in mine and shook it. "Yeah just wait till the sun goes down or there's a blizzard." I said with a small laugh. "I bet your Scottish ass couldn't handle it." I joked. He gave me a small glare.

I laughed it off and walked over to gaz. "I see your still using that gun i got you." He said. I looked at it and smiled. "I would never stop using it. It's a beauty." I said. When i was in the hospital gaz got a engraved gun for me. Is has skulls and thorns. It has Skar engraved on the bottom of that Handel. It also shoots very well.

I then walk over to ghost. We stand there for a moment starring at each other. At the same time we both go in for a hug. We pull back from each other and i turn to the general. I stand by Simons side and i cans feel him holding my belt. The general walked over to price to shake his hand. I can feel eyes on me and i look over to see aksel starring at simons hand on my belt.

He looked up at me. He just smirked and winked. Ever since i got to know him more we became decent friends. If that's what you want to call it. He have a nod of reassurance. I told him i was seeing someone and now it's pretty obvious. Simon let go of my belt and followed after the general.

We walked to a warehouse where our planning would take place. The general explained everything to the men. After all that i led Simon back to my housing unit. "This is us." I said as i turned to face him as i stood in front of the house. "Looks cozy." He said. His voice was scratchy as always. I smiled and made my way to the front door.

I open the door and let him in. The first thing we did was take our masks off. I always had the blinds closed because of obvious reasons. And plus I'm one of the only girls on base. Not as many as there would be with other bases.

Simon walked over to me and grabbed my face. "I've missed you so much." He whispered as our lips met. It was a soft gentle kiss that had lots of love in it. He pulled away. "May i ask where the bedroom is?" He asked. "Second door on the right." I said. With that he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and pulled his shirt off.

He had abs for sure. He brought his face back down to mine and kissed me. He trailed down my jawbone to my neck leaving marks. He pulled my shirt off and unclamped my bra. He threw my bra a cross the room and grabbed my breasts with both of his hands. "Your so beautiful. God i love you." He said. His voice was full of lust and hunger.

He kissed down my stomach and reached my pants. He looked up at me for reassurance. "Please." I whispered. He kissed my stomach and pulled off my pants and underwear. He then flipped me on my stomach and i can hear him take off his pants. I feels his hand on my hip. He then rubs my entrance with his member.

"Stop fucking teasing me Riley." I demanded. I hate being teased in bed. "You turn me on when your angry love." He says. I feel him suddenly slam into me. I gasp at the sudden movements. He slowly thrusts into me as i quietly let out moans. He gets faster and rougher every second. He pulls out and flips me on my back.

"Fuck." I sigh. He slams into me again causing me to let out a load moan. He quietly lets out little grunts and moans himself. He thrusts faster and i can feel myself going over the edge. I clenched around his member and moan loudly almost screaming. I can feel him twitching and then him release inside of me. As he did he let a out a mix of a groan and a moan together. It was honestly very hot.

He collapsed in bed next to me and pulled me into his chest. He kissed my four head and looked at me as if he where admiring me. I smile at and and he smiles back. "Since we have the rest of the day off why don't we just cuddle, watch movies and catch up." He suggested. I looked at him with a confused face. "What's that look for?" He asked.

"I didn't see you as that type." I said honestly. "Well I'm different when I'm with people i love then i am in on base or on the field." He said. I just smiled at him. I got up and walked over to my dresser. "Let's watch movies." I said as i threw random clothes on. "Sounds like a plan love." He says as he gets up and grabs clothes from his bag.

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