Hell on earth

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(Y/n pov)

I open my eyes to a small room. I try to move but my hands are chained to the chair. The chair seems to be bolted to the ground. The door opens in front of me and i look up to see Philip Graves. "Sorry it has to be this way doll." He say's as he shuts the door behind him. My head was pounding with pain and my vision was a little blurry. "What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Don't you remember?" He asked. I looked at him with a confused face. "Your father killed my parents. I'm going to make you suffer for his actions since he's dead." He said while smirking.  He walks behind me and places his cold hands on my shoulders. I was in a big white tank top with underwear on. He must have put me in these.

"You have such a pretty face." He whisperers. "Why hide it?" He asked as he moved his hands to my neck. "Fuck you." I said harshly. He quickly grabbed my face and move in front of me. "Don't disrespect me y/n. I have the power now." He said as he grabbed something off of a tray next to us. Well shit. He grabbed a syringe the most likely had sedatives in it. He Stuck it in my neck and pushed the liquids in me. Fuck. This isn't good.

He put the need back on the tray and stepped back. "You'll learn your lesson soon enough." He said as he walked to the door. My eyes where getting heavy. He opened the door and took one last look at me before walking out. My head started to hurt and i couldn't help but close my eyes. I got cold and everything was dark. I couldn't move. I was helpless. I'm helpless. Fucking hell.


I open my eyes to see I'm in the same small room. Graves is standing in the corner of the room messing with stuff on the tray. "I'm glad your awake. I was getting bored." He said. He picks up a small knife from the tray and walks over to me. "Oh y/n what am i gonna do with you?" He says as he circled around me. "You can kill me or let me go." I say. I look up to him.

"That's no fun doll" he says. He puts the blade up to my collarbone and pushes it against my skin. He slides the blade down as warm red liquid spills out.  I gritt my teeth and close my eyes. "Your a heavy bleeder." He says while continuing to cut me. He pulls the blade back and stares at me. He grabs my neck and brings the blade up but is interrupted by a knock at the door.

He grunts and walks over to the door. I look down to see I'm covered in blood. I look back up when graves opened the door. What.the.fuck. Shepherd is standing in the doorway. "What the fuck is going on?!" I ask. "That little task force of yours is busy with Kalami. He's been caught. You've been out for a few days and they have gotten so much done without you. Now that the threats are over i leave graves in charge of the base back home." Shepherd explained. It was all nonsense.

What he said made no sense. Is it me? No. Wait...I've been out for a few days? Shit.Damnit. I gotta pull myself together. I look up to see shepherd gone and a few guards in front of me. They pick up a syringe and bring it over to me. They once again injected it into me. This one's different. I just feel week now. They unchain my arms and legs. Another guard comes in with a wheelchair. They pick me up and put me in it. They tie me down and wheel me out the room.

We are going down a long hallway. It looks dirty in here. A guard opens a door and we go in. There's a table with restraints on it. I then see a huge barrel of water. Well for fucks sake. They pick me up and place me on the table. They put the restraints on my ankles and wrists. Graves walks over to me. "Let's have some fun." He says. He grabs a rag and puts it on my face. I knew it.

I can hear him in the water. I then hear his footsteps come closer. "Sorry about this doll" he says. He pours the water on my face. I can't breathe. Shit. The water stops and i can breathe a little. I hear him walking away back to the water. Soon i hear his footsteps come back. He poured the water on my head once again. This time it was much more water. Everything went black.


I open my eyes to see graves standing over me. I'm still in the room and tied down on the table. I cough up some water. He put his hands on my face. "You know what. I think you would make a good wife." He said while smirking. He undid my restraints and pulled me up. I was still under the sedative so i couldn't move my body much. He picked me up and placed me in the wheelchair.

He wheeled me out the room and into an elevator. He pressed the one button and the doors closed. I felt useless. "I think a nice house in the country sounds nice. What about you?" He asked. "faen deg. du er en psyko. jeg ville aldri elsket deg." (Fuck you. Your a psycho. I would never love you.) i said.

"That doesn't sound nice. But I'll take is as a yes." He said with a little laugh. The elevator doors open. They lead outside. It was bright. He wheeled me outside and over to a car. He opened the door to the passenger seat and lifted me inside. He put the seat belt on me and shut the door. He opens the trunk and put the wheelchair in. He closed the trunk and walked over to the diver side door and got in.

He started the car and drove out of the base. I watched as we left the gate. Holy shit. Where back in America. Where in Ohio. We drove down the streets. It was a long drive. We where on highways forever. That was until we made it to the first town I've seen in a long time. We drove past a sign that said 'Welcome to Hubbard'.

We drove past a lot of stores and houses. We drove down a long road that lead us to the middle of nowhere. We turned on a driveway that was made of dirt and very long. You can barley see the house in the distance. We made it to the house. It was a small light blue house. It had a big white door with a black handle that asked for a fingerprint or a code to get into. Guess this is home for now. I have to play along until i can get out myself or if the task force finds me. "Fun".

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